The open source platform for read,write and delete credentials on vault server.
To store any sensitive data like service-based credentials (username,Password),certificate based credential or any generic type of credential like token based credential and so on.
- How to install and run Vault-Cred
- How VaultCred works
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git clone && cd vault-cred/charts/vault-cred
helm install vault-cred -n default .
- A Kubernetes cluster
- Helm binary
- Vault (
After installation of vault-cred ,it initializes the vault if vault is not initialized and also generate unseal keys and root token.If vault is already deployed and initialized,then it stores the unsealkeys and root token in a secret named vault-server with the key prefix unsealkey and roottoken.
kubectl get po -n default
vault-cred-5777789576-hpg9r 1/1 Running 0 20h
vault-0 1/1 Running 0 5h46m
You can check the logs by giving below command
kubectl logs -f vault-cred-5777789576-hpg9r -n default
Vault-Cred monitors the vault service frequently,and monitors whether the vault is unsealed or not.If vault is sealed,vault-cred automatically unseal it by taking the keys from the secret vault-server.
Vault-Cred can also automate the creation of vault policy and role.Vault-Cred continuously monitors for configmap with the prefix vault-policy and vault-role.If it found any configmap,name with the prefix vault-policy,then creates vault-policy with the data and similarly if it found any configmap ,name with the prefix vault-role,then it creates vault-role with the data.
Sample Vault-policy-Configmap given below:
apiVersion: v1
policyData: |
path "secret/data/cluster-cred/*" {
capabilities = ["read"]
path "auth/kubernetes/#" {
capabilities = ["create","read","update"]
policyName: vault-policy-cluster-read
kind: ConfigMap
name: vault-policy-cluster-read
namespace: default
Sample Vault-role-Configmap given below:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: vault-role-sample
roleName: vault-role-sample
policyNames: vault-policy-cluster-read
servieAccounts: default
servieAccountNameSpaces: default
If any sensitive data needed to be stored in vault,you can store the sensitive data in a secret named vault-cred-sync-data .For storing service based credential,you can use below format in the secret
SERVICE-CRED-<uniquevalue>: `echo {"entityName":"db", "userName":"xxx","password":"xxx"} | base64 -w 0`
For certificate based credential ,use the below format in storing the credential in the secret
CERTS-<uniquevalue>: `echo '{"entityName":"xxx", "certIndetifier":"xxx","caCert":"xxx", "cert": "xxx", "key":"xxx"}' | base64 -w 0`
for storing generic credential,use the below format in storing the credential in the secret
GENERIC-1: `echo '{"credentialType":"cluster-cred","entityName":"xxx", "credIndetifier":"xxx", "credential":{"token":"xxx","id":"1"}}' | base64 -w 0`
With the above mentioned echo command,encode and create a secret with the key prefix generic,service-cred,certs .
From this secret,vault-cred stores the credential,taking the credentialtype,entityname and credIdentifier as a secret path .
- Automate Vault Unsealing
- Continuous monitoring of ConfigMap to create Vault Policy and Vault Role.
- Storing service based credential,certificate and any generic credential.