A collection of Fortran 2018 interface bindings to selected Zstandard functions (zstd ≥ 1.5.5). In comparison to the original C API, the Fortran interfaces, types, and arguments have been converted to snake case. See COVERAGE for an overview of bound procedures.
The zstd library has to be installed with development headers. On FreeBSD, run:
# pkg install archivers/zstd
On Linux, instead:
# apt-get install libzstd1 libzstd-dev
Or, to build the zstd library from source, and to install to /usr/local
, run:
$ cd /tmp/
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/facebook/zstd
$ cd zstd/build/cmake/
$ mkdir build && cd build/
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build . --config Release
$ sudo cmake --install . --prefix /usr/local
Build and install the Fortran library using the provided Makefile:
$ make
$ make install PREFIX=/opt
Link your programs against /opt/lib/libfortran-zstd.a -lzstd
. Optionally,
overwrite the default compiler and the compiler flags:
$ make FC=ifx FFLAGS="-O3"
Or, use the Fortran Package Manager:
$ fpm build --profile release
Build and run the test program:
$ make test
$ ./test_zstd
The following basic example compresses and uncompresses an input string.
! example.f90
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
use :: zstd
implicit none (type, external)
character(len=:), allocatable :: dst1, dst2, src
integer(kind=c_size_t) :: dst_len, src_len, stat
src = repeat('Hello, there! ', 32)
src_len = len(src, kind=c_size_t)
dst_len = zstd_compress_bound(src_len)
allocate (character(len=dst_len) :: dst1)
allocate (character(len=src_len) :: dst2)
stat = zstd_compress(dst1, dst_len, src, src_len, zstd_default_c_level())
dst_len = stat
if (zstd_is_error(stat)) then
print '("zstd_compress: ", a)', zstd_get_error_name(stat)
error stop
end if
stat = zstd_decompress(dst2, src_len, dst1, dst_len)
if (zstd_is_error(stat)) then
print '("zstd_decompress: ", a)', zstd_get_error_name(stat)
error stop
end if
end program main
If the library has been installed to /opt
, then compile, link, and run the
example program with:
$ gfortran -I/opt/include/libfortran-zstd -o example example.f90 \
/opt/lib/libfortran-zstd.a -lzstd
$ ./example
You can add fortran-zstd as an FPM dependency:
fortran-zstd = { git = "https://github.com/interkosmos/fortran-zstd.git" }