programming problems from interviewBit
Problem in interviewBit | Note |
L4 check points: Find Next Greater Element | use stack to keep indices of an ascending order |
[Hashing] Two Sum | In leetcode, there is only one solution, InterviewBit requires to find the combination with least number for index1 |
[Binary Search] Books ] | difficult binary search |
[Binary Search] Power remainer | difficult: very larger power |
[Two Pointers] Trick.MAXONE | See also [Leetcode 076] keep a window and update window when invariant is broken |
[Two Pointers]Trick.APP3PTR | use two pointers on sorted array, move the pointer to shrink gap |
[Two Pointers] Sorting.DIFF | fast-slow window, not all sorted array is going to use binary search |
[Arrays] BucketOrSorting.HOTEL | Great problem, build an event queue to solve problem |
[Dynamic Programming] ADJACENT | apply greedy choice in adjacent neighbors for dp program |
[Dynamic Programming] MAXCOIN | Minmax algorithm |
interviewBit | Leetcode# | Problem |
math.REVINT | 007 | reverse integer (monitor Stack Overflow) |
math.ROMAN2INT | 013 | convert roman number to decimal number |
math.FACTORIAL | 177 | find trailing zeros in n! |
binarysearch.SimpleBinarySearch.SEARCH2D | 074 | convert 2D coordinates to 1D index |
strings.PALINDROME | 125 | validate palindrome string |
strings.LCP | 014 | longest common prefix |
strings.COUNT_SAY | 038 | count and say |
strings.LONGESTPALIN | 005 | longest palindromic substring |
strings.LENGTHLAT | length of last word | |
strings.REVWORD | 151 | |
strings.STRSTR | 028 | implement strStr |
strings.VERSION | ||
strings.ATOI | ||
strings.VALIDNUMBER | ||
strings.IPADDRESS | 093 | parse ip address string |
strings.ZIGZAG | 006 | zig zag conversion |
strings.ADDBINARY | 067 | add binary numbers |
strings.TEXTJUST | 068 | text justification |
twopointers.Sorting.DIFFK | two pointers | |
twopointers.Tricks.CONTAINER | 011 | head - tail pointers |
twopointers.Trick.MAXONE | keep a valid window | |
linkedlists.SORTLIST | 148 | sort list in O(nlgn) |
stacksandqueues.PARENTHESIS | 020 | |
hashing.REPEATSTR | 003 | hashing + two pointers |