The Inventaire Suite is a containerized, production-ready Inventaire system that allows you to self-host a knowledge graph similar to
It is composed of several services:
- Inventaire: a Docker image packaging:
- CouchDB: the primary database used by the Inventaire server
- Elasticsearch: a secondary database used by Inventaire for text and geographic search features
- Nginx: a reverse proxy with TLS termination thank to Let's Encrypt certbot.
The service orchestration is implemented using Docker Compose.
🔧 This document is for people wanting to self-host the full Inventaire Suite. If you are looking for the individual Inventaire image, head over to
💡 This document presumes familiarity with basic Linux administration tasks and with Docker and Docker Compose.
- Network connection with a public IP address
- 4 GB RAM
- 10 GB free disk space
- Docker >= v22.0
- Docker compose >= v2
- git
Ignore this section if you are just testing on your local machine
You need a DNS records that resolves to your machine's public IP address
Ignore this section if you are just testing on your local machine
Your machine's firewall should let the http ports (80
and 443
) open.
git clone
cd docker-inventaire
Copy the dotenv
file to .env
cp dotenv .env
and open this new .env
file with a text editor to customize the variables (mainly adding your own domain name, and setup a couchdb password)
Ignore this section if you are just testing on your local machine
Generate the first TLS certificate with Let's Encrypt
docker run -it --rm --name certbot -p 80:80 -v "$(pwd)/certbot/conf:/etc/letsencrypt" certbot/certbot certonly --standalone
Start all the services (Nginx, CouchDB, Elasticsearch, and the Inventaire server) in production mode:
docker compose up --detach
Alternatively, to test locally, you can start only Inventaire and its dependencies (CouchDB and Elasticsearch) without Nginx, with the following command:
docker compose up inventaire
Before updating to the latest version, check that there are no breaking changes.
You can find your current version number by visiting fetching the URL /api/config
on your domain (example:
You can find details about the changes since your version on this page: /home/maxlath/code/inventaire/inventaire/
For changes marked to require data transformation, some knowledge of CouchDB is recommended, as well as familiarizing yourself with the recommanded way to export, transform and reimport data in CouchDB.
cd docker-inventaire
# Pull updates to this repository (might include database versions updates, and such)
git pull origin main
# Pull the updated images
docker compose pull
# Stop and remove the previous `inventaire` container
# Include the `nginx` container and `--volumes` as otherwise the volume shared between the `inventaire` and the `nginx` container keep the files from the previous image
docker compose down inventaire nginx --volumes
# Restart containers with the new image (with the --detach option, to be able to close the terminal)
docker compose up --detach
# Check that it restarted without errors
docker compose logs --follow --tail 500 inventaire
General tips on how to run Inventaire can be found in the server repository docs.
max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
: fix by running the commandsudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
on your host machine
See also Elasticsearch with Docker