Debian Docker for Invoice Ninja
👑 Features
NGINX webserver support NGINX
Built-in Chrome for PDF generation and other features
Saxon XLST 2 engine
Multi language support
This Debian-based image includes Chrome for enhanced PDF generation and other features. To get started:
git clone -b debian
cd dockerfiles/debian
Instead of defining our environment variables inside our docker-compose.yml file we now define this in the .env
file, open this file up and insert your APP_URL
and update the rest of the variables as required.
APP_KEY=<insert your generated key in here>
Prior to starting the container for the first time, open the .env file and update the IN_USER_EMAIL and IN_PASSWORD variables with your primary account.
This will take care of the initial account setup. You can later remove these .env variables.
⚠️ Warning
are not set the default user email and password is "" and "changeme!" respectively.
After the container has completed the first startup you can delete these two environment variables.
can be generated by running:
# If you haven't started the containers yet:
docker run --rm -it invoiceninja/invoiceninja-debian php artisan key:generate --show
# Or if your containers are already running:
docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate --show
Copy the entire string and insert in the .env file at APP_KEY=base64....
**Note: For PDF generation using localhost, your domain name MUST end in .test for PDFs to generate correctly due to Chrome's DNS resolver.
Start the container with:
docker-compose up -d
**Note: When performing the setup, the Database host is mysql
To upgrade to a newer release image, update your docker-compose.yml first by running:
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up
It is recommended to perform a backup before updating.
If you discover a bug, please create an issue. For general queries, visit our Forum
This is a new image which should provide much better support for all users, however there are some items left to complete
- Backup script
- Integrate soketi server
- Add elastic search for site wide search