I don't do very impressive stuff here. Mainly just me goobing around with random C++ stuff. Sometimes I watch tutorials, sometimes I try to make some trash on my own. Don't expect much.
Little asked questions: (l.a.q) Q: why the silly username, are you an idiot? A: Yes I am an idiot. My first online username was "Speedy" on deeeep.io, very generic, I know. I was 7. Then, when I wanted to # for Scratch, I needed a username... Guess what, Speedy was taken! I asked myself: What do I do all day... That's how this silly username came to be. Q: What do you hope to accomplish? A: chances to get a decent future by doing something I remotely like doing. Q: What is your favorite project you made? A: I made a mandelbrot renderer that never worked. Amazing.