Synchronizing mailman3 list against ldap with ease. has been tested for OpenLDAP and Active Directory.
- Supporting Python 2.7 above (including 3.X)
- Search through DN if group member is a DN record (Active Directory)
- Adding some prefix in list name
- Hooks, module that will be executed in the end of script
- Excluding list for being deleted by regex pattern
- Clone repository
git clone
- Go to cloned directory
cd mailman3_ldap_sync
- [optional] Create virtual environment
virtualenv virtenv
source virtenv/bin/activate
- Install all requirements using pip command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set script as executeable
chmod +x
- Make a copy of main configuration file
cp config.ini_dist config.ini
- Adjust configuration file as your needs, you can also see config documentation inside
vi config.ini
If you are enabling script log file and run script scheduled (using crontab) then you may set log rotation for not make it's bigger time by time.
/var/log/mailman3_ldapsync.log {
create 0644 root root
Run like a boss