A Neovim plugin to chat with LLM in buffer.
- Native Editor Experience: Chat with LLMs using your familiar text editor environment and keybindings
- File-Based Chat: Store and organize your conversations in
files - Variable Expansion: Easily include content from files, environment variables, and even images in your prompts
- Tool Integration: Create and use custom tools (Python, JavaScript, PHP, or even chat-based) for extended functionality
- Flexible LLM Configuration: Support for different LLM providers through simple configuration files
- Structured Chat Format: Clear syntax for different message types (system, user, assistant, etc.)
Use .chat
files with a clear syntax for different message types:
s: system prompt
u: user message
a: assistant reply
c: comment
tc: tool call
tr: result of a tool call
err: error that occurred
Include external content in your chats:
s: @system # Expand from system.txt
u: @env_variable # Use environment variables
u: describe @image # Include images
Separate multiple conversations in a single file:
s: You're groot
u: hi how are you?
a: I am Groot.
c: ---
u: What is the meaning of life?
a: 42
in normal mode: Execute TuneChat<S-CR>
in insert mode: Execute TuneChat<Esc>
in any mode: Cancel generation
You can customize the keymaps in your configuration:
keymaps = {
n = {
["<CR>"] = { ":TuneChat<CR>", "Execute TuneChat" },
["<Esc>"] = { ":TuneKill<CR>", "Execute TuneKill" },
["<C-c>"] = { ":TuneKill<CR>", "Execute TuneKill" },
i = {
["<S-CR>"] = { "<Esc>:TuneChat<CR>", "Execute TuneChat in Insert Mode" },
["<C-c>"] = { "<Esc>:TuneKill<CR>", "Execute TuneKill in Insert Mode" },
Before installing, ensure you have:
- Neovim >= 0.8.0
- nvim-treesitter installed
Using lazy.nvim (recommended)
Add this to your Neovim configuration:
dependencies = {
config = function()
ft = { "chat" }
Using packer.nvim
use {
ft = { 'chat' },
config = function()
requires = {
Using vim-plug
Add this to your init.vim:
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
" Install nvim-treesitter and run :TSUpdate after installation
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'}
" Install tree-sitter-chat parser
Plug 'iovdin/tree-sitter-chat'
" Install tune.nvim and lazy-load it for 'chat' filetype
Plug 'iovdin/tune.nvim', { 'for': 'chat' }
call plug#end()
" Initialize tune.nvim for 'chat' filetype
augroup TuneSetup
autocmd FileType chat lua require("tune").setup({})
augroup END
After installation, make sure to:
- Add "chat" to your nvim-treesitter configuration:
build = ":TSUpdate",
config = function ()
local configs = require("nvim-treesitter.configs")
ensure_installed = { "c", "lua", "vim", "vimdoc", "javascript", "html", "css", "python", "typescript", "chat"},
sync_install = false,
highlight = { enable = true },
indent = { enable = true },
Alternatively, you can install the chat parser manually after installation:
:TSInstall chat