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Artisan API

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An api service for Laravel or Lumen. Helps you send responses with the proper status and code. Uses Fractal for items and collections.


Require it with Composer

$ composer require isaackearl/artisan-api

Add the service provider to config/app.php

// For Laravel add this to config/app.php

// For Lumen add this to bootstrap/app.php 

(Optional) Add the API facade in config/app.php

'Api' => IsaacKenEarl\LaravelApi\Facades\Api::class,


In your controllers you can do stuff like this:

// do stuff like this
public function show() {
    return Api::respondWithItem($user, new UserTransformer());

// or like this:

return Api::respondNotFound();

There are alot of options. Include the ArtisanApiInterface in your controller constructor and you can use it without the facade.

    private $api;

    public function __construct(ArtisanApiServiceInterface $apiService)
        $this->api = $apiService;

    public function index()
        $users = User::all();
        return $this->api->respondWithCollection($users, new UserTransformer());

You can do custom stuff too and chain methods

// you can respondWithError or respondWithMessage and customize the status code 
// and response code etc
return $this->api
            ->respondWithError('Not logged in');

Take a look at the ArtisanApiInterface to see all the supported methods. You can find that here:



Transformers allow you to control how the data is presented in the response of your API. A typical transformer looks like this:

class UserTransformer extends Transformer
    function transform($user)

        return [
            'id' => $user->id,
            'name' => $user->name,
            'date_of_birth' => $user->date_of_birth->toDateString(),
            'email' => $user->getPrimaryEmail()

You can generate a transformer with the make:transformer command

php artisan make:transformer UserTransformer

This package uses laravel-fractal as it's fractal implementation. Check out their docs on their github page for more specific usage information and examples.

Since we are using the laravel-fractal package you can also publish the laravel-fractal config to customize the response data.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Fractal\FractalServiceProvider"


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.