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Project Title

Nika Crowdfunding dApp

Project Description

Nika CrowdFunding dapp for web3 developers and startups. Its smart contract allows users to create and donate to campaigns.

Project Snapshot

Nika Crowdfunding Pages

Project Website Link

This is a decentralized crowdfunding platform built on Ethereum blockchain. The platform allows users to create and support crowdfunding campaigns.

Github Link:

Production Link:

Project Author

Edwin - Initial work

Github Link:

How to Install and Run the Project

Clone the repository

git clone

cd into the Client Folder

cd nika-crowdfunding-dapp && cd client

Install the dependencies

npm install

Start the development server

npm run dev

Port to Run the Website


or any other port available to view it in the browser.

  • No required input/output files.

  • Ensure you are using the Goerli Test Network on your metamask wallet or any other wallet when connecting.

Explaining the Nika-Crowdfunding-SmartContract

The Contract

The smart contract was deployed at:

With this address:



Web3 Package.json Scripts

  • build: This script runs the detect command from the Thirdweb CLI to build the project.
  • deploy: This script runs the deploy command from the Thirdweb CLI to deploy the built contracts to the specified network.
  • release: This script runs the release command from the Thirdweb CLI to release the built contracts to the specified package registry.


Campaign: This struct stores information about a campaign, including its owner, title, description, target amount, deadline, amount collected, image, an array of donators, and an array of donation amounts.


campaigns: This mapping stores all the campaigns using their campaign ID as the key.


numberOfCampaigns: This variable stores the number of campaigns that have been created.


createCampaign: This function allows a user to create a new campaign with the given information: owner, title, description, target amount, deadline, and image. It returns the ID of the created campaign.

donateToCampaign: This function allows a user to donate the value of msg.value to the specified campaign. It also updates the array of donators and the array of donation amounts for the campaign. If the donation is successful, it also increases the amountCollected for the campaign by the donated amount.

getDonators: This function returns the arrays of donators and donation amounts for the specified campaign.

getCampaigns: This function returns an array of all the campaigns.


payable: This modifier indicates that the function can receive ether.




  • hardhat: This is a development environment for Ethereum smart contracts.
  • @thirdweb-dev/contracts: This is a package containing the contracts for the project.
  • dotenv: This is a zero-dependency package for loading environment variables from a .env file.

Dev Dependencies


Explaining the Nika-Crowdfunding-Client

This package.json file is used to manage the dependencies and scripts for a client project built with Thirdweb, React, and Vite.

Client Package.json Scripts

  • dev: This script runs the Vite development server.
  • build: This script builds the project for production with Vite.
  • preview: This script previews the built project.
  • deploy: This script builds the project and uploads the built files to Thirdweb.


  • @thirdweb-dev/react: This is a package containing the React components for the project.
  • @thirdweb-dev/sdk: This is a package containing the SDK for interacting with the Thirdweb platform.
  • ethers: This is a library for interacting with Ethereum.
  • react: This is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • react-dom: This is a package that provides DOM-specific methods for React.
  • react-router-dom: This is a package that provides routing functionality for React applications.

Dev Dependencies

  • @vitejs/plugin-react: This is a Vite plugin for React.
  • autoprefixer: This is a tool that adds vendor prefixes to CSS.
  • postcss: This is a tool for transforming styles with JavaScript.
  • tailwindcss: This is a CSS framework.
  • vite: This is a web development build tool.

How Nika-Crowdfunding-Project was setup with Thirdweb, Hardhat, and Vite


  • Thirdweb (Web3 Framework)
  • Hardhat (Smart Contract development environment)
  • Vite (React Framework)

Contract setup

  1. Run npx thirdweb@latest create --contract to create a new contract project.
  2. Install dotenv with npm install dotenv.
  3. Get the private key from your MetaMask account.
  4. Find the endpoint for the network you want to use (e.g. Goerli). You can find the endpoint at
  5. Add the following code to your hardhat.config.js file:
defaultNetwork: 'goerli',
networks: {
hardhat: {},
goerli: {
url: '',
accounts: [0x${process.env.PRIVATE_KEY}]
  1. Run npm run deploy to deploy the contracts to the network.

Client setup

  1. Run npx thirdweb@latest create --app to create a new client project.
  2. Choose the app name with ./.
  3. Select EVM (or Solana as needed).
  4. Select Vite to replace using create-react-app for React.
  5. Select JavaScript (or TypeScript as needed).
  6. Install react-router-dom with npm install react-router-dom.
  7. Run npm run dev to check your build so far.
  8. Delete the src folder.
  9. Create a new src folder and an index.js file.
  10. Create a new App.js file with a React function component using the rafce snippet (ES7).
  11. Convert index.js to main.jsx and App.js to App.jsx.
  12. Install Tailwind CSS with Vite by running npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer.
  13. Run npx tailwindcss init -p to create the configuration files for Tailwind CSS.
  14. Add the following code to your tailwind.config.cjs file:
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} /
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],


This project is licensed under Grandida License - see the file for details.


Some parts of the code were adapted from Thirweb