in this lab I create a website that contains some information about me first I create a home page (index.html) and I linked it with :
- the reset css sheet
- the style css sheet
- the java script file
- other html page (stringArt)
when you enter to the home page there is some of yes or no questions are going to show to the user to answer then the home page will be shown
in this lab I did some modifications on the code like :
- I put an order list and unorder list to the paragraphs
- I add two more questions one of them I use while in the code and the other one I use nested loop (for inside while) and Array
- finally I added a score for the user it contains how many right questions he/she answered ...{for the yes or no questions I count the yes as acorrect answer }
- I did the pair programming with Raghad AlQuraan
- I turned all here questions on the guessing game to functions and so she did to my code
- I added additional touches to the CSS file
- I turend the js file to a function and I put the call for it on a BUTTON