This project implements functions to decode Toshiba AB protocol from indoor units to wired controllers and provides a hardware design to communicate.
Gerbers are available but remember if you improve the design please share it, that's how open source works, if you do not want to share, this project is not for you.
In particular, this project has been tested with remote control unit RBC-AMT32E and central unit RAV-SM406BTP-E (
You can find the service manual from central unit and wired controller here:,
- Operational.
Code is developed in Arduino for ESP8266 and in particular for Wemos D1 mini board. Basically it is a WebServer that serves a webpage and communicates with the client by means of WebSockets. Some nice features are OTA updates, WifiManager and others ...
This project uses libraries and code from different authors, you can install them in Arduino IDE going to Tools->Library Manager
- esp8266
- espsoftwareserial by Peter Lerup
- WiFiManager by tzapu
- WebSockets by Links2004
- ArduinoJson by Benoit Blanchon
Compile the code and upload it to the board. You will need to install the previous libraries and maybe some others. Once it is compiled it means you have all the dependencies installed.
This project uses LittleFS filesystem to store the webpage files, .html, .js , ... In order to upload these files you need to install a plugin and follow the instructions:
- Download the tool archive from (
- In your Arduino sketchbook directory, create tools directory if it doesn't exist yet.
- Unpack the tool into tools directory (the path will look like <home_dir>/Arduino/tools/ESP8266LittleFS/tool/esp8266littlefs.jar).
- Restart Arduino IDE.
Files are located into the data folder of your sketch and all the contents of the folder will be uploaded
- Make sure you have selected a board, port, and closed Serial Monitor. OTA ports are not valid, you need to plug the board into your computer.
- Select Tools > ESP8266 LittleFS Data Upload menu item. This should start uploading the files into ESP8266 flash file system. When done, IDE status bar will display LittleFS Image Uploaded message. Might take a few minutes for large file system sizes.
Once you have the code and the data uploaded it is time to configure your WiFi. This project makes use of the great WiFiManager library so there is no need to hardcode your WiFi settings.
- Plug your board and connect to airAP wifi network. You can do it with your cellphone or PC.
- Select your WiFi network and the password.
- If everything is correct, airAP shuts down and board connects to your WiFi.
Now the esp8266 is connected to your network and can be reached as http://air.local
The project and the board support sensors for temperature, humidity and pressure (DHT11 and BMP180), these values are shown in a graph in the webpage. If you do not connect these sensor there is no problem. Graph will show indoor and outdoor temperature reported by the air conditioning.
In the bottom side of the pcb you can find the connections, DHT is connected to D3 and BMP180 uses SPI.
OTA updates are available, so you do not need to unplug the esp everytime you want to flash it. In the Arduino IDE just set Tools->Port->air at xxx.
If you just want to upload individual files you can use http://air.local/edit.html
- After a little time without acitvity, the websocket is closed. I am working on a reconnection function.
- A reload can cause the board to reboot because a websocket is opened when it is serving webpage files. Sometimes happen and sometimes not. But it is not critical.
You will need an esp8266, a circuit for adapting signals to esp8266, a USB power supply, a a couple of dupont (female) wires.
- Take out the cover of your remote controller
- Loose the screws of AB terminals. WARNING: My PCB assumes A is positive and B is negative. If this is not your case you can damage the PCB. (#40 (comment))
- Pass the wires through the ventilation holes of the cover.
- Insert dupont wires on the terminals and screw them again
- Close the cover
- Connect dupont wires to the pcb (A,B)
- Plug the Wemos D1 mini into the pcb
- Power Wemos with usb cable and the led will start blinking (if you have already programmed it)
Just switch it on/off while you are in bed. If you like it just send me a beer and/or improve the project!
This is how I managed to decode the information from the AB bus. First I plugged a multimeter to check the range of the signal and not fry anything. Then I used a DS0138 oscilloscope to monitor the signal and to guess voltages and baudrate (a resistor divider is suggested in order to lower the voltage). Later, an 8-channel USB logic analyzer (4-5 USD) can be used to capture data into the computer. REMEMBER to convert voltages to 0-3.3v before connecting it to logic analyzer or you will make magic smoke. You can use the read circuit below.
To capture data you can use pulseview with uart decoder 2400 bps, 8bits, start, stop, EVEN parity
In case you need it you can install the following packages
sudo apt install sigrok-cli
sudo apt install sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw
When the data has been validated visually you can use the following command line that reads RX data annotations and print one message per line according to 4th byte (message size).
sigrok-cli -P uart:rx=D0:baudrate=2400:parity_type=even -A uart=rx_data -i YOURFILE | awk '{pad =" "; b[len%4]=$2; if(len==3) {bytes="0x"b[len]; printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",b[0],pad,b[1],pad,b[2],pad,b[3],pad)} if(len>3) {printf("%s%s",$2,pad);} len=len+1; if(len==4+bytes+1) {print "";len=0;bytes=0}}'
sigrok-cli -d fx2lafw -c samplerate=250000 -t D0=r -P uart:rx=D0:baudrate=2400:parity_type=even -A uart=rx_data --continuous
I have designed some circuits to read and write the signal
I will use an optocoupler because it simplifies things and also isolates microcontroller from the rest of the system.
- Air conditioning side: Signal is around 15.6 volts when 1 and 14 when 0. Zener diode provides 13V reference, so signal is 1V .. 2.6V and after diode (0.7V drop) is 0.3V .. 1.9V, enough to activate photodiode (1.2V) when 1 and to not activate it when 0.
IR led from optocouple drops 1.2v, and from signal we have a difference of 15.6V-13V=2.6V, thus 2.6V-1.2V=1.4V/100ohm = 14mA which has a maximum CTR=140% Ic=3.3, If=14 CTR=Ic/If
Type VZnom IZT for rzjT rzjk at IZK IR at VR
1N4743A 13 19 <10 <100 0.25 <5 9.9
Izt=19 mA -> 2.6/19=130ohm P=VI 2.6*19 =52mW
- Microcontroller side: 1k resistor limits the current. ESP8266 max current is 12mA > 3.3/1k = 3.3 mA
1N4001 _______
A -----------------100R ---->|----| |-------------3v3
| | PC817 |
10k | |
| | |
B ------>|z-----------------------|_______|------------ OUT
zener 13v 1k
Write circuit performs similarly to read circuit. When OUT signal is 1, transistor and pullup resistor are 0, thus optocoupler is OFF and voltage is 15.6 (HIGH). When OUT signal is 0, transistor is off and pullup resistor sends 1 and activates optocoupler and zener diode gives 13V (LOW). Some systems recommend to set the Follower in the remote unit.
Here I attach specs for the components.
3v3 1N4001
| |--------<------- A
200 _______ | |
------------------| |---| ^ z13v
| | PC817 | |
OUT --1k- ---|< 2N2222 |---|_______|---1k---|< 2N2222
| | |
| | |
GND GND ------------ B
To solder wires to button pads on the remote controller and close circuit to simulate pressing them (with and optocoupler).
uc OUT --- 200R----| PC817 |------- PAD+
ESP8266 high level is 3v3 and the maximum current per pin is 12mA (but we will go safer with 10mA). Thus, the resistor for the IR diode of the optocoupler is 3.3-1.2/10=210 -> 200 ohm. 4k7 is a safe value since we just want continuity.
Following traces from button pads end in 2k resistors that we will use to solder wires. As R46 is common, we can think is button GND ON button is connected to R25 and R46 Temp down button is connected to R23 adn R46 Temp up button is connected to R24 and R46
Data packages have the following format:
Source | Dest | Opcode 1 | Data Length | Data | CRC |
And Data field is composed of the following parts:
R/W mode | Opcode 2 | Payload |
Source (1 byte):
# | Desc |
00 | master (central unit) |
40 | remote controller |
FE | broadcast |
52 | ?? |
Dest (1 byte):
# | Desc |
00 | master (central unit) |
40 | remote controller |
FE | broadcast |
52 | ?? |
Operation code 1 (1 byte)
- From master (00)
Opc1 Desc Example 10 ping 00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 11 parameters (temp. power, mode, fan, save) 00 52 11 04 80 86 84 01 C4 1A sensor value 00 40 1A 07 80 EF 80 00 2C 00 2B B5 1C status 00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 76 00 33 33 01 00 01 B9 58 extended status 18 pong, answer to remote ping 00 40 18 08 80 0C 00 03 00 00 48 00 97 18 master ack after setting param 00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B - From remote (40)
Opc1 Desc Example 11 set power 40 00 11 03 08 41 03 18 11 set mode 40 00 11 03 08 42 01 19 (heat) 11 set temp 40 00 11 08 08 4C 09 1D 6C 00 05 05 65 11 set save 15 Error history 40 00 15 07 08 0C 81 00 00 48 00 9F 17 sensor query 40 00 17 08 08 80 EF 00 2C 08 00 02 1E 55 temperature 40 00 55 05 08 81 00 69 00 F0
Data length (1 byte)
- Length of data field
Data (composed of the following parts)
R/W mode (1 byte)
Mode | Desc |
08 | for Write mode (from remote 40) |
80 | for Read mode (from master 00) |
From master (00)
Opcode2 Desc Example 81 status 00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 34 A8 00 00 6C 00 55 55 01 00 01 1E 81 extended status 00 FE 58 0F 80 81 35 AC 02 00 6E 6F E9 00 55 55 01 00 01 DB 8A alive 00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 A1 ack after setting param 00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B 86 mode 00 52 11 04 80 86 24 05 60 0C pong,answer to ping opc2 0C 00 40 18 08 80 0c 00 03 00 00 48 00 97 -
From remote (40)
Opcode2 Desc Example 41 power 40 00 11 03 08 41 02 19 42 mode 40 00 11 03 08 42 02 1A 4C temp, fan 40 00 11 08 08 4C 11 1A 6E 00 55 55 78 54 save (opc1 11) 40 00 11 04 08 54 01 00 08 80 sensor query 40 00 17 08 08 80 EF 00 2C 08 00 02 1E 81 sensor room temp 40 00 55 05 08 81 00 6A 00 F3 0C 81 ping 40 00 15 07 08 0C 81 00 00 48 00 9F 0C 82 timer 40 00 11 09 08 0C 82 00 00 30 05 01 01 EB
CRC is computed as Checksum8 XOR of all the bytes (Compute it at
There are two different status messages sent from master: normal and extended. Opcode for both is 81 Extended has two extra bytes, one could be some temperature? and other is always E9 in my experiments.
Normal status
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 76 00 33 33 01 00 01 B9
| | || | | | | |- save mode bit0
| | || | | | | |- bit2 HEAT:1 COLD:0
| |-Dst | | | | |- bit2 HEAT:1 COLD:0
|-Src | | | |- bit7..bit1 - 35 =Temp
| | |-bit7..bit5 fan level (auto:010 med:011 high:110 low:101 )
| | |-bit2 ON:1 OFF:0
| |-bit7.bit5 (mode cool:010 fan:011 auto 101 heat:001 dry: 100)
| |-bit0 ON:1 OFF:0
|-Byte count
remote, last byte bit0
master, status in two bits byte bit0 byte bit2
Extended status
-- -- extra values in extended
00 FE 58 0F 80 81 8D A8 00 00 7A 84 E9 00 33 33 01 00 01 9B
|-always E9
|- 1000 0100 1000010 66-35=31 (real temp??)
|-temp 0111 1010 111101 61-35 = 26
|- 0x2 pre-heat
temperature reading also confirmed in pg14
ALIVE message (sent every 5 seconds from master)
00 fe 10 02 80 8a e6
| | | | | | |- CRC
| | OPC1| | |- OPC2
| ALL | |-from master, info message??
Master |- Length
From master (00) to all (fe)
ACK sent after setting parameters
00 40 18 02 80 a1 7b
PING/PONG, remote pings and master pongs
40 00 15 07 08 0c 81 00 00 48 00 9f
|- opcode ping
00 40 18 08 80 0c 00 03 00 00 48 00 97
|- opcode ping
Temp from remote to master.
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 68 00 f1
| | |- 0110 1000 -> 104/2 -> 52 - 35 = 17 (temp)
|-opc1 |-bit0 ON:1 OFF:0
From master mode status Opcode 2 0x86
00 52 11 04 80 86 24 00 65 heat
|-opc1 | |- mode bit7-bit5, power bit0, bit2 ???
|- 0010 0100 -> mode bit7-bit5 bit4-bit0 ???
Setting commands
40 00 11 03 08 41 03 18 ON
40 00 11 03 08 41 02 19 OFF
|- power >> 1 | 0b1
Set mode
40 00 11 03 08 42 01 19 //heat
|-(Mode is bit3-bit0 from last data 6th byte) cool:010 fan:011 auto 101 heat:001 dry: 100
Set temperature
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 byte nr
40 00 11 08 08 4C 0C 1D 7A 00 33 33 76
| |-0x33 for cold 0x55 for heat
|-0x33 for cold 0x55 for heat
| | |- ((target_temp) + 35) << 1
| |- fan | 0b11000
|- mode | 0b1000 cool:010 fan:011 auto 101 heat:001 dry: 100
Set fan (requires info about target temp, fan and heat/cold mode)
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 byte nr
40 00 11 08 08 4C 13 1D 7A 00 33 33 6E //LOW, FAN
| | | | |-0x33 for cold 0x55 for heat
| | | |- 0x33 for cold 0x55 for heat
| | |- (target_temp) + 35) << 1
| |- fan bit4=1 bit3-bit1 auto:0x010 med:011 high:110 low:101
|- 0x10 + mode cool:010 fan:011 auto 101 heat:001 dry: 100
Set save
40 00 11 04 08 54 01 01 09 Save ON
40 00 11 04 08 54 01 00 08 Save OFF
|- bit 0 7th byte
TEST+SET for Error history
40 00 15 03 08 27 01 78
|-Error 1
00 40 18 05 80 27 08 00 48 ba
|-Type 0x4 Num error 0x8 E-08
TEST + CL for sensor query
40 00 17 08 08 80 EF 00 2C 08 00 F3 EF
|- Filter sign time
00 40 1A 07 80 EF 80 00 2C 03 1E 83
| |
|--|------0x03 0x1E-> 798 2bytes
00 40 1A 05 80 EF 80 00 A2 12 answer for unknown sensor
Timer is decoded but remote takes care of it internally and ignores it if sent from external sources (our circuit)
40 00 11 09 08 0c 82 00 00 30 07 02 02 e9 1h for poweron
|----- number of 30 minutes periods, 2 -> 1h
|----- number of 30 minutes periods, 2 -> 1h
|------ 07 poweron 06 poweroff repeat 05 poweroff 00 cancel
Sequence observed for 1h poweron
40 00 11 03 08 41 03 18 powers on
00 40 18 02 80 a1 7b ack
40 00 11 09 08 0c 82 00 00 30 00 04 01 eb cancels timer
00 40 18 02 80 a1 7b ack
No. | Desc | Example value |
00 | Room Temp (Control Temp) (°C) | Obtained from master status frames 00 FE 1C ... |
01 | Room temperature (remote controller) | Obtained from controller messages 40 00 55 ... |
02 | Indoor unit intake air temperature (TA) | 23 |
03 | Indoor unit heat exchanger (coil) temperature (TCJ) Liquid | 19 |
04 | Indoor unit heat exchanger (coil) temperature (TC) Vapor | 19 |
07 | Indoor Fan Speed | 0 |
60 | Outdoor unit heat exchanger (coil) temperature (TE) | 18 |
61 | Outside air temperature (TO) | 19 |
62 | Compressor discharge temperature (TD) | 33 |
63 | Compressor suction temperature (TS) | 26 |
65 | Heatsink temperature (THS) | 55 |
6a | Operating current (x1/10) | 0 |
6d | TL Liquid Temp (°C) | 22 |
70 | Compressor Frequency (rps) | 0 |
72 | Fan Speed (Lower) (rpm) | 0 |
73 | Fan Speed (Upper) (rpm) | defined in manual, not working |
74 | ? | 43, is this fan speed upper? |
75 | ? | 0 |
76 | ? | 0 |
77 | ? | 0 |
78 | ? | 0 |
79 | ? | 0 |
f0 | ? | 204 |
f1 | Compressor cumulative operating hours (x100 h) | 7 |
f2 | Fan Run Time (x 100h) | 8 |
f3 | Filter sign time x 1h | 37 |
Op code from remote
4C 0C 1D set temp 40 00 11 08 08 4C 0C 1D 78 00 33 33 74
0C 81 status
41 power 40 00 11 03 08 41 03 18
42 mode 40 00 11 03 08 42 02 1A //cool 02 -> 0000 0010
4C 14 fan 40 00 11 08 08 4C 14 1D 7A 00 33 33 6E //low
54 save 40 00 11 04 08 54 01 00 08
0C 82 timer
40 00 15 07 08 0c 81 00 00 48 00 9f
00 40 18 08 80 0c 00 03 00 00 48 00 97
Op code from master
81 status 00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 B5
8A ack (dest FE) 00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 # every 5s
A1 ack (dest 40) 00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B
86 ?? (dest 52) 00 52 11 04 80 86 84 05 C0
00 52 11 04 80 86 84 01 C4 DRY,LOW
00 52 11 04 80 86 64 01 24 FAN,LOW
00 52 11 04 80 86 44 01 04 COOL,LOW
00 52 11 04 80 86 44 05 00 COOL,MED
0C (ASNWER TO 0c) 00 40 18 08 80 0C 00 03 00 00 48 00 97
UNK is
10 ack / ping?? 00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6
1C status after request 00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 B5
58 ?? status when idle 00 FE 58 0F 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 84 E9 00 33 33 01 00 01 9E
18 ack (dest remote) 00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B
11 ?? 40 00 11 03 08 41 03 18
00 52 11 04 80 86 84 05 C0
15 (from remote) 40 00 15 07 08 0C 81 00 00 48 00 9F
55 (from remote) 40 00 55 05 08 81 00 7E 00 E7
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 7C 00 E5 (heat mode 24)
first part is 1,5
second part is 0,1,8,C
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 CD 8C 00 00 76 00 33 33 01 00 01 D9 // CD 8C 00 -> 1100 1101 1000 1100
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 --- -
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 76 00 33 33 01 00 01 B9
| | || | | | | |- save mode bit0
| | || | | | | |- bit2 HEAT:1 COLD:0
| |-Dst | | | | |- bit2 HEAT:1 COLD:0
|-Src | | | |- bit7..bit1 - 35 =Temp
| | |-bit7..bit5 fan level (auto:010 med:011 high:110 low:101 )
| | |-bit2 ON:1 OFF:0
| |-bit7.bit5 (mode cool:010 fan:011 auto 101 heat:001 dry: 100)
| |-bit0 ON:1 OFF:0
|-Byte count
remote, last byte bit0
master, status in two bits byte bit0 byte bit2
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 B5 -> 8D AC 1000 1101 1010 1100
- - - -
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 4D AC 00 00 76 00 33 33 01 00 01 79 // 4D AC 00 -> 0100 1101 1010 1100
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 B5 -> A 1010
- ---
Extended status
00 FE 58 0F 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 7A E9 00 33 33 01 00 01 60
00 FE 58 0F 80 81 8D A8 00 00 7A 84 E9 00 33 33 01 00 01 9B
|-always E9
|- 1000 0100 1000010 66-35=31 (real temp??)
|-temp 0111 1010 111101 61-35 = 26
Current temp from remote (off 27C and blow on thermistor until 30C and cold again)
3rd byte is 55
bit7..bit0 /2 - 35 =Temp
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 7C 00 E5 //7C 0111 1100 124 124/2-35 = 27
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 83 00 1A //83 1000 0011 131 131/2-35= 30.5
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 7E 00 E7 //7E 0111 1110 126 126/2-35= 28
40 00 11 08 08 4c 11 1c 6c 00 55 55 7c //Set Fan Medium
00 40 18 02 80 a1 7b //kind of ack
Communication while POWERED OFF
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 #
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 # every 5s
40 00 15 07 08 0C 81 00 00 48 00 9F
00 40 18 08 80 0C 00 03 00 00 48 00 97 #inmediately answer
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 7E 00 E7
00 FE 58 0F 80 81 8D A8 00 00 7A 84 E9 00 33 33 01 00 01 9B
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 # typical answer, maybe confirmation
40 00 15 07 08 0C 81 00 00 48 00 9F
00 40 18 08 80 0C 00 03 00 00 48 00 97 #inmediate answer
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 7E 00 E7
00 FE 58 0F 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 84 E9 00 33 33 01 00 01 9E
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 # typical answer, maybe confirmation
00 52 11 04 80 86 84 01 C4
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 # typical answer, maybe confirmation
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 # typical answer, maybe confirmation (every 5s we see the mesg)
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 # typical answer, maybe confirmation (every 5s we see the mesg)
40 00 15 07 08 0C 81 00 00 48 00 9F
00 40 18 08 80 0C 00 03 00 00 48 00 97 #inmediate answer
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 7E 00 E7
00 FE 58 0F 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 84 E9 00 33 33 01 00 01 9E #inmediate answer
Temp down
40 00 11 08 08 4C 0C 1D 78 00 33 33 74 # press temp down (current 26, 25 after pressing)
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B # typical answer, maybe confirmation
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 78 00 33 33 01 00 01 B7 # looks like current status
00 52 11 04 80 86 84 01 C4
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 # typical answer, maybe confirmation
only messages from remote
method 1
40 00 11 08 08 4C 0C 1D 7C 00 33 33 70 //27 7C -> 0111 1100 111110 14 30 62
40 00 11 08 08 4C 0C 1D 7E 00 33 33 72 //28 7E -> 0111 1110 011111 15 31 63
40 00 11 08 08 4C 0C 1D 80 00 33 33 8C //29 80 -> 1000 0000 100000 0 ??? 64
---- ---
40 00 11 08 08 4C 0C 1D 7C 00 33 33 70 //27 7C -> 0111 1100 111110 14 62
40 00 11 08 08 4C 0C 1D 7A 00 33 33 76 //26 7A -> 0111 1010 111101 13 61
40 00 11 08 08 4C 0C 1D 6E 00 33 33 62 //20 6E -> 0110 1110 110111 55
40 00 11 08 08 4C 0C 1D 6A 00 33 33 66 //18 6A -> 0110 1010 110101 53 - 35 = 18
Full log
40 00 11 08 08 4C 0C 1D 78 00 33 33 74 //25 78 -> 0111 1000 111100 60
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B # typical answer, maybe ack
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 78 00 33 33 01 00 01 B7 //78
00 52 11 04 80 86 84 05 C0 #this seq was in temp up ???
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 76 00 33 33 01 00 01 B9
remote, last byte bit0
master, status in two bits byte bit0 byte bit2
40 00 11 03 08 41 03 18 ->03 0000 0011
- -
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B # typical answer, maybe confirmation
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 B5 -> 8D AC 1000 1101 1010 1100
- - - -
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6
00 52 11 04 80 86 84 05 C0 -> 5 0101
- - -
40 00 11 03 08 41 02 19 ->02 0000 0010
- -
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8C A8 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 B0 -> 8C A8 1000 1100 1010 1000
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 - -
00 52 11 04 80 86 84 00 C5 -> 0 0000
- - -
From remote (Mode is bit3-bit0 from last data byte) cool:010 fan:011 auto 101 heat:001 dry: 100
40 00 11 03 08 42 02 1A //cool 02 -> 0000 0010
40 00 11 03 08 42 03 1B //fan 03 -> 0000 0011
40 00 11 03 08 42 05 1D //auto 05 -> 0000 0101
40 00 15 02 08 42 1D //???
40 00 11 03 08 42 01 19 //heat 01 -> 0000 0001
40 00 11 03 08 42 04 1C //dry 04 -> 0000 0100
Full log for mode changing (Mode in master is bit3-bit1 from byte 6 (starting from 0)
40 00 11 03 08 42 02 1A //cool 02 -> 0000 0010
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B ---
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 4D AC 00 00 76 00 33 33 01 00 01 79 // 4D AC 00 -> 0100 1101 1010 1100
40 00 11 03 08 42 03 1B //fan 03 -> 0000 0011
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B ---
00 52 11 04 80 86 64 01 24
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 6D AC 00 00 76 00 33 33 01 00 01 59 // 6D AC 00 -> 0110 1101 1010 1100
00 52 11 04 80 86 64 01 24 ---
00 52 11 04 80 86 64 01 24 // 64 -> 0110 0100 new value here is 3
40 00 11 03 08 42 05 1D //auto 05 -> 0000 0101
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B ---
40 00 15 02 08 42 1D
00 40 18 04 80 42 05 06 9D //requested 05, assigned 06??
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 CD 8C 00 00 76 00 33 33 01 00 01 D9 // CD 8C 00 -> 1100 1101 1000 1100
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 --- -
mode fan level bit3-bit1 -> 100 ???
00 52 11 04 80 86 C4 01 84 // C4 -> 1100 0100
40 00 11 03 08 42 01 19 //heat 01 -> 0000 0001
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B ---
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 35 AC 02 00 76 00 55 55 01 00 01 03 // 35 AC 02 -> 0011 0101 1010 1100 0000 0010 // 55 55 vs 33 33 in other modes
--- - 0101 0101 0011 0011
00 52 11 04 80 86 24 01 64 //24 -> 0010 0100
40 00 11 03 08 42 04 1C //dry 04 -> 0000 0100
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B ---
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 B5 // 8D AC 00 -> 1000 1101 1010 1100
00 52 11 04 80 86 84 01 C4 // 84 -> 1000 0100
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6 ---
Save mode
bit0 from 14th in master message
bit0 from 7th in remote message
40 00 11 04 08 54 01 00 08
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 00 33 33 00 00 01 B4
00 52 11 04 80 86 84 01 C4
40 00 11 04 08 54 01 01 09
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 B5
00 52 11 04 80 86 84 01 C4
Fan level
From remote request 7th byte bit3-bit1 auto:0x010 med:011 high:110 low:101
From master status 7th byte bit7-bit5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
40 00 11 08 08 4C 14 1A 7A 00 33 33 69 -> A 1010 auto
- ---
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D 4C 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 55 -> 4 0100
- ---
40 00 11 08 08 4C 14 1B 7A 00 33 33 68 -> B 1011 medium
- ---
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D 6C 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 75 -> 6 0110
- ---
40 00 11 08 08 4C 14 1C 7A 00 33 33 6F -> A 1100 high
- ---
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D 8C 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 95 -> 8 1000
- ---
40 00 11 08 08 4C 14 1D 7A 00 33 33 6E -> D 1101 low
- ---
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 00 33 33 01 00 01 B5 -> A 1010
- ---
40 00 15 07 08 0C 81 00 00 48 00 9F ->
00 40 18 08 80 0C 00 03 00 00 48 00 97
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 7C 00 E5
00 FE 58 0F 80 81 8D AC 00 00 7A 7D E9 00 33 33 01 00 01 67
40 00 15 07 08 0C 81 00 00 48 00 9F
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 7C 00 E5
40 00 11 03 08 41 C0 DB test on? 1100
40 00 11 03 08 41 03 18 power on
40 00 15 07 08 0C 81 00 00 48 00 9F
40 00 11 03 08 42 02 1A
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 7C 00 E5
40 00 11 03 08 41 02 19 power off
40 00 11 03 08 41 80 9B test off? 1000
TEST + CL sensor inquiry
40 00 17 08 08 80 EF 00 2C 08 00 02 1E
|----- sensor 2
00 40 1A 07 80 EF 80 00 2C 00 15 8B
|--------- 0x15 -> 21
00 40 1A 05 80 EF 80 00 A2 12 answer for unknown sensor
40 00 17 08 08 80 EF 00 2C 08 00 F3 EF F3 Filter sign time
00 40 1A 07 80 EF 80 00 2C 03 1E 83 0x03 0x1E-> 798 2bytes
40 00 11 09 08 0c 82 00 00 30 05 01 01 eb 30m poweroff
40 00 11 09 08 0c 82 00 00 30 05 02 02 eb 2h poweroff
40 00 11 09 08 0c 82 00 00 30 00 04 01 eb cancel timer
40 00 11 09 08 0c 82 00 00 30 06 03 03 e8 1.5h poweroff repeat
40 00 11 09 08 0c 82 00 00 30 06 01 01 e8 30m poweroff repeat
40 00 11 09 08 0c 82 00 00 30 07 30 30 e9 24h poweron
40 00 11 09 08 0c 82 00 00 30 07 04 04 e9 2h poweron
40 00 11 09 08 0c 82 00 00 30 07 02 02 e9 1h for poweron
|----- number of 30 minutes
|----- repeated
|------ 07 poweron 06 poweroff repeat 05 poweroff 00 cancel
Power on
40 00 11 03 08 41 03 18 Power on
00 fe 1c 0d 80 81 35 ac 00 00 6c 00 55 55 01 00 01 1b Normal status
00 52 11 04 80 86 24 01 64 Mode
00 fe 10 02 80 8a e6 Periodic ping
40 00 15 07 08 0c 81 00 00 48 00 9f ??
00 40 18 08 80 0c 00 03 00 00 48 00 97 Answer to ??
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 65 00 fc Sensor temp
00 fe 58 0f 80 81 35 ac 00 00 6c 6f e9 00 55 55 01 00 01 db Extended status
00 52 11 04 80 86 24 01 64
Power off
40 00 11 03 08 41 02 19 Power off
00 40 18 02 80 a1 7b ACK after a command
00 fe 1c 0d 80 81 34 a8 00 00 6c 00 55 55 01 00 01 1e Normal status
00 52 11 04 80 86 24 00 65 Mode
00 fe 10 02 80 8a e6 Periodic ping
40 00 15 07 08 0c 81 00 00 48 00 9f ??
00 40 18 08 80 0c 00 03 00 00 48 00 97 Answer to ??
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 6a 00 f3 Sensor temp
00 fe 58 0f 80 81 34 a8 00 00 6c 6c e9 00 55 55 01 00 01 dd Extended status
TEST+SET for Error history
40 00 15 03 08 27 01 78 Error 1
00 40 18 05 80 27 08 00 48 ba Type 0x4 Num error 0x8 E-08
40 00 15 03 08 27 02 7b Error 2
00 40 18 05 80 27 08 00 43 b1 Type 0x4 Num error 0x3 E-03
40 00 15 03 08 27 03 7a Error 3
00 40 18 05 80 27 00 00 00 fa 0x0 0x0 No error
00 40 18 02 80 A1 7B
00 40 18 08 80 0C 00 03 00 00 48 00 97
00 40 1A 07 80 EF 80 00 2C 00 00 9E
00 52 11 04 80 86 24 00 65
00 55 55 01 00 01
00 FE 10 02 80 8A E6
00 FE 1C 0D 80 81 34 A8 00 00 6C 00 55 55 01 00 01 1E
00 FE 58 0F 80 81 34 A8 00 00 6C 6D E9 00 55 55 01 00 01 DC
40 00 11 03 08 41 02 19
40 00 11 03 08 41 03 18
40 00 11 08 08 4C 09 1D 6C 00 05 05 65
40 00 11 09 08 0C 82 00 00 30 05 01 01 EB
40 00 15 07 08 0C 81 00 00 48 00 9F
40 00 17 08 08 80 EF 00 2C 08 00 02 1E
40 00 55 05 08 81 00 66 00 FF
Improve PCB
Fix PCB: route EN line and necessary stuff for ESP12X
Fix PCB: jumper for Hardware or Software Serial
Fix parsing to support round buffer and not to loose partial frames (not necessary)
Redesign HTML page (WIP, fixed divs) calculator calculator calculator remote
Simple decode example
Clearer Protocol documentation
MQTT and HA support
Use DC buck/boost from A-B line to power ESP8266 (tried, but not working)
Check other circuits as:
Announce project in other similar ones
If you want to know about error codes and sensor addresses you can check the following links.
I found this projects interesting even that it is not the same protocol
Info about commercial gateways but no info about protocol :(
Connections Sensor addresses (pg 52) Sensor addresses (pg 73) Sensor addresses (pg 42)
Error codes from Toshiba (pg 38) Temperature formula TCS-Net
The unit where I have tested the project is model RAV-SM406BTP-E which stands for
| | | |- CE marking
| | ||-Duct
| | |-gen
| |-duty 4.0 kW
| |-Digital inverter
|- Light comercial