Verilog HDL is a hardware description language that models electronic systems. It is widely used in designing and verifying digital circuits at various levels of abstraction.
Behavioral Modelling: Describes the circuit's functionality without concern for hardware implementation. It focuses on the input-output behavior.
Dataflow Modelling: Describes the data flow through the circuit using continuous assignments.
Structural Modelling: Describes the circuit in terms of components and their interconnections, similar to a schematic diagram.
Functional Simulation: Verifies the design's logical correctness by simulating the circuit's behavior.
Timing Simulation: Verifies the timing behavior of the circuit, ensuring that it meets the required timing constraints.
Logic Synthesis: Converts the high-level Verilog code into a gate-level netlist, which can be used for physical design.
Optimization: During synthesis, the design is optimized for area, power, and performance.