The BRB project data analysis
The analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequencing of the mouse oral and cecal samples.
- BRB_amplicon_CAPR.Rmd: R Markdown document of the 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis.
- BRB_amplicon_CAPR.html: HTML report of the 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis.
- asv_tax.xlsx: The taxonomy assignment of the ASVs.
- cecum_asv_table.xlsx: The ASV table of the 20 cecal samples.
- cecum_a_diversity.xlsx: The ASV richness of the cecal samples.
- cecum_metadata.xlsx: The metadata for the cecal samples.
- cecum_Family.xlsx: The family abundance table of the cecal samples.
- cecum_akker.xlsx: The clr abundance of A. muciniphila in the cecal samples.
- cecum_DMSO_BRB_table.xlsx: The ASV table of the cecal samples in DMSO and BRB groups.
- cecum_DMSO_BRB_metadata.xlsx: The metadata for the cecal samples in DMSO and BRB groups.
- cecum_glm_table.xlsx: The ASV table of the cecal samples in DMSO, DBP, BRB, and BRB+DBP groups.
- cecum_glm_metadata.xlsx: The metadata for the cecal samples in DMSO, DBP, BRB, and BRB+DBP groups.
- saliva_asv_table.xlsx: The ASV table of the 20 oral samples.
- saliva_a_diversity.xlsx: The ASV richness of the oral samples.
- saliva_metadata.xlsx: The metadata for the oral samples.
- saliva_Family.xlsx: The family abundance table of the oral samples.
- saliva_akker.xlsx: The clr abundance of A. muciniphila in the oral samples.
- saliva_enter.xlsx: The clr abundance of Enterococcus_E in the oral samples.
- saliva_DMSO_BRB_table.xlsx: The ASV table of the oral samples in DMSO and BRB groups.
- saliva_DMSO_BRB_metadata.xlsx: The metadata for the oral samples in DMSO and BRB groups.
- ASV_richness.xlsx: The ASV richness of both oral and cecal samples
The in vitro analysis of the strain screening with BRB and DBP treatment.
- BRB_Strain_CAPR.Rmd: R Markdown document of the in vitro strain screening assay.
- BRB_Strain_CAPR.html: HTML report of the in vitro strain screening assay.
- JEB00020.xlsx: The OD values of strain A. muciniphila JEB00020 treated by BRB and DBP over 72 hours.
- JEB00423.xlsx: The OD values of strain A. muciniphila JEB00423 treated by BRB and DBP over 72 hours.
- BRB.xlsx: The growth curve parameters of our lab strains treated after BRB treatment.
- DBP.xlsx: The growth curve parameters of our lab strains treated after DBP treatment.
- GTDB_taxonomy.xlsx: The taxonomy assignment of the lab strains.
- Bisanz_strain.xlsx: The species names of the lab strains.
- RAxML_bestTree.faas_refined.tre: The constructed tree of the lab strains with the RAxML plugin.