A simple javascript website that calculates download time, given the download speed and size.
A few days ago, wanted to calculate a download time when I wasn't given an ETA from terminal, and the best site I could find to do this was this. I feel like it can be done better and was inspired to start this project. I'd like the site to look similar to CoinB.in [GitHub]. I'm sure they won't mind if we use their code as foundation since they use the MIT License. But don't let me dictate how you contribute! That's just how I do. 😃
Feel free to fork, commit changes, and open pull requests. I promise I will review them quickly, and if the changes are better than the original, I will merge it.
Also, if you find an issue, even if you don't know how to fix it, you're more than welcome to address it by opening an one under Issues. An issue has already been open for discussing a site name and finding a domain for it.
Since we are building from a template, we're going to have to replace alot of stuff. This isn't following any official standard, but just so we don't miss anything, I am going add change-me next to the line of code that needs to be changed before release. So if you want to find something to do, just do CTRL-F and seach for "change-me" (without quotes). It will either be contained in a comment or in an exact place where something better should go; e.g., places where the future website name or domain name should go.