Link to playable GameJam version.
Project for Mohawk College Game Jam #1, April 2018. Finished game had to somehow incorporate either the given sprite or 3D model of a pangolin.
Code is pretty rough and void of comments; lots of attributes were public so they could be manually set in the inspector. Once a polished version of the game is ready, a link will be provided here to a separate git repo.
1.) Player presses down button to drop the pangolin's tongue.
2.) Player can use WASD to control the tongue to navigate the ant colony.
3.) Pressing up forces the tongue to retract fully, as does touching a wall.
4.) You get extra points for touching multiple ants at once.
5.) The level is complete when you get all the ants.
6.) If you run out of time, the game is over.
Porsche Le - audio design, main menu
Evan Mulrooney - tongue mechanics, level management, ant movement
Jess Nguyen - timer, audio management
William Nguyen - level design, tilemaps, main menu
Powerups, day/night cycle - we just couldn't get them working in time for presentations. We had the code, but not enough time.
Spitball Powerup - intent was something to freeze ants in place
Ants Screaming in Fear
Pangolin Movement - we originally considered having the player move the pangolin between different ant nests, but was too far outside our core game loop to be feasible