Python bootcamp for Health Informatics - Summer 2024
This repository contains code and resources related to the "Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow" 3rd edition book by Aurélien Géron.
Day 1 (05/15/2024) - Deepishka Pemmasani:
- Introductions of the participants.
- GitHub repos and using Google Colab -
- What is ML?
- When to use ML?
- Some use cases of ML in Healthcare.
- Supervised vs Unsupervised learning – and other types of ML.
- Batch vs online learning.
- Instance-Based Versus Model-Based Learning.
- Next part: Raajitha Muthyala
TODO before 05/22:
- Commit Chapter 1 notebook with improvements to the GitHub repo.
- Read remaining part of Chapter 1.
Additional Resources: