Practical course on PixiJS v5 apps.
Work In progress.
Lesson 0: 0. Simple game on canvas2d using images and vector shapes
Lesson 1:
- basic PixiJS app with flex css
- common PixiJS scene elements
Lesson 2:
- Game based on elements from previous lesson
- collisions with getBounds(), containsPoint and rectangles
Lesson 3:
- How to make basic tilemap
- adding tilemap asteroids to starfighter
Lesson 4:
- integration with spine
- boss for starfighter
Lesson 5:
- Goodbye PixiJS application class, custom gameloop
- Basic multi-level app, with a menu and switch between two scenes
- Tooling: gulp/grunt, browserify/rollup/whatever
- integration with Tiled (pixi-tiled)
Lesson 6:
- adding p2 to pixi
- physics level from Tiled
Lesson 7:
- basic shaders
- integration of shader in physics game
- adding GSAP to app
- GSAP tweens overview
Lesson 8.1:
- How to build as a playable ad
- integration in ads
Lesson 8.2:
- publishing on your own server
- integration with social networks: FB, VK
- All lessons but on typescript