This repository contains the Agda definitions and proofs to present a positive normal form for a quantified linear temporal logic QLTL based on counterpart semantics in the sense of Lewis. Two counterpart flavours are defined here, one with partial functions and one with standard relations.
For a categorical presentation of this logic see
Formulas use a representation based on de Bruijn indices to ensure well-scopedness1. Each formula is typed with a number n : ℕ
, indicating the size of the underlying context in which the formula is defined. This is such that n
is greater than the cardinality of the set of free variables of the formula, and is thus sufficient to ensure that the formula is well-scoped by construction. For example, in PNF the formula ∃x. x = y
is represented as:
-- The formula has type `QLTL 1` since y appears free, the context has at least 1 variable
example : QLTL 1
example = ∃<> zero == suc zero
-- ∃x. x == y
No external libraries have been used. The files are tested using Agda 2.6.2.