Clone the repository and build the discovery agent using Maven:
mvn clean package
Once complete, copy the target/activemq-k8s-discovery-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar
into the class-path of your ActiveMQ install.
Here's an example snippet that can be added to your activemq.xml
<networkConnector uri="k8s://default?podLabelKey=app&podLabelValue=activemq"
decreaseNetworkConsumerPriority="true" />
Here are the available options, these can be set using query parameters in the URI above:
Option | Default Value | Description |
namespace | default | Kubernetes namespace |
podLabelKey | app | Pod label key to match |
podLabelValue | activemq | Pod label value to match |
serviceUrlFormat | tcp://%s:61616 | URL used, %s is replaced with the pod's IP |
sleepDelay | 30000 | Delay in milliseconds between polls |
Here are some notes I used for testing the solution. I used to the Docker image from
Fire up a Kubernetes cluster and configure the local Docker environment to use the cluster:
minikube start --cpus=4 --memory=6000
eval $(minikube docker-env)
Now build the Docker image:
docker build -t cloud-activemq:1.0.0 .
Create the deployment and service:
kubectl create -f activemq-deployment.yaml --record
kubectl create -f activemq-service.yaml --record
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get services
Determine the IP address and port of the exposed service:
minikube ip
kubectl describe service activemq | grep NodePort
Peek at the logs:
kubectl exec activemq-deployment-1647995871-8q3vf -- tail -f /var/log/supervisor/activemq.log
Access the ActiveMQ Web UI:
kubectl port-forward activemq-deployment-1647995871-8q3vf 8161:8161
Scale up:
kubectl scale --replicas=6 deployment/activemq-deployment
Upgrade the deployment:
kubectl set image deployment/activemq-deployment activemq=cloud-activemq:1.0.1
kubectl rollout status deployment/activemq-deployment
kubectl get deployments