An ESPHome component for reading the Garnet SeeLeveL tank sensor.
Refer to the seelevel-inteface for a schematic diagram of the circuit needed to communicate with the sensors.
Connect RX
to an input pin on the microcontroller with an internal or external pull-up resistor
to the microcontroller's positive rail (typically +3.3 VDC). 100 kOhm works well.
Connect TX
to an output pin on the microcontroller.
to the SeeLevelL sensor's blue wire.
to the SeeLevelL sensor's black wire.
Connect +12V
to the power supply positive. The sensor and circuit should be able to tolerate
voltages roughly between +9 VDC and +15 VDC.
Connect GND
to the power supply ground (can be a chassis ground) and to the microcontroller's ground.
# Import the component
- source: github://j9brown/esphome-seelevel@main
components: [ seelevel ]
# Declare the transceiver interface
# Transceiver component ID, optional unless there are multiple transceivers
id: seelevel_transceiver
# Receive pin
rx_pin: 32
# Transmit pin
tx_pin: 33
# Declare the tank sensors
- platform: seelevel
# Transceiver component ID, optional unless there are multiple transceivers
seelevel_id: seelevel_transceiver
# Tank number for which the sensor has been configured (by cutting jumpers)
# - Fresh water: 1
# - Gray water: 2
# - Black water: 3
tank: 1
# The number of active segments the sensor has, it may have fewer if some were cut off
segments: 9
# Optionally declares a water level sensor whose value ranges from 0 to a little
# more than the number of segments. Accepts all Sensor parameters, including filters.
name: "Water Level"
# Optionally declares a water volume sensor by linearly interpolating a mapping from
# level to volume. Accepts all Sensor parameters, including filters.
name: "Water Volume"
# Maps from level to volume
# Requires at least two entries, can have more for tanks of non-uniform volume
# Entries must be arranged in non-decreasing order in both level and in volume.
# Valid units of volume are: 'gal' (gallon) and 'L' (liter).
# Note: The sensor's native unit of measurement is the liter even when gallons are
# used to define the mapping.
- { level: 1.0, volume: 0 L }
- { level: 5.0, volume: 25 L }
- { level: 9.0, volume: 40 L }
# Optionally inverts the sense of the reported volume (default is false)
# If true, reports the remaining capacity of the tank
# If false, reports how much liquid it contains
invert: true
# Apply sensor filters to reduce noise.
- delta: 0.5
# Optionally declares a diagnostic sensor containing the raw data retrieved from the tank.
# Reports a comma-delimited array of values that represents the analog signal level of each
# sensor segment starting from the lowest one. Each value ranges from 0 to 255.
name: "Segment Data"
# Polling interal, default to 60s, use 'never' to disable automatic polling
update_interval: 10s