This project contains the tools for running the live online model for the lcls-cu injector. The model is served over EPICS and the client uses bokeh for web-based rendering.
The environment for this project may be set up using conda using the included environment.yml
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
Once complete, activate the environment:
$ conda activate lcls-cu-inj-live
If using custom classes or models defined in the repository, the repository root must be included in the PYTHONPATH.
From repostitory root:
$ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
Serve the client using the test prefix:
$ serve-from-template files/model_config.yml test
The client for this demo may be launched either using the tools packaged with lume-epics
for auto client generation or with the custom built client. Using the lume-epics
tools, the client may be launched using the command:
$ render-from-template {FILENAME} {PROTOCOL} {PREFIX} --read-only
The optional read-only flag determines whether the client will be launched with controls. Clients rendered in read-only mode will also produce a striptool per scalar variable as opposed to a striptool with the selection option.
To launch the display using a Channel Access client:
$ render-from-template files/model_config.yml ca test
The pre-built read only client may be launched using:
$ bokeh serve app --args {PREFIX} {PROTOCOL}
As of now, it is recommended to run everything from mcc-simul.
ssh mcc-simul
# If not yet checked out:
git clone
cd lcls-cu-inj-live
# Start the model server and PV bridge
./start_all &
- Edit start_webserver, change line 6 and replace
with the hostname with the proper one for the model server so the web server can reach the PVs.