Code to read CCS811 and HDC1080 data from CJMCU-8118, print it to serial monitor and save it to .csv file.
Based on CJMCU-8118_InfluxDB and example sketches from libraries listed below.
CJMCU-8118 | Arduino Uno |
VCC | 3.3V |
SCL | A5 |
SDA | A4 |
If you are using another board, check your manufacturer's reference for the appropriate I2C pins.
- Install the required dependencies
- Set up the CJMCU-8118 with your Arduino (as mentioned above)
- Verify and upload the script to your Arduino, it should run automatically
- To see your readings:
- Open the Arduino serial monitor, or serial monitor of your choice
- To save your readings:
- Open TeraTerm, or another serial monitor with file saving capabilities
- File > Log, and follow the rest of the saving dialog