This is my professional portfolio. I really wanted to nail down a cohesive aesthetic and I knew that I wanted to use the Nord color pallette. So I started by googling some portfolio layouts and decided they were going to be too difficult. But, I did come away with wanting to use the ultra hip "Neue Helvetica" font. I went with a very similar layout to the one in the HW demo for the sake of simiplicity.
The very first thing I did was learn how to link custom fonts to my site. I found a website the converts font files so I could support as many browsers as possible with different font file types.
I went out of my way to have a responsive design by using a lot of vw units. Though, for the "About me" section I used different sizes of rem text with media queries at different viewport sizes. This is because text using vw units is not zoomable.
One of the biggest hurdles to overcome for this was learning to properly implement flexboxes with grow, shrink, and basis ratios to make project cards reshape into the layouts I wanted them for at different viewport sizes.
The second huge breakthrough I had was the realization that I needed to switch from vertical columns for the sidebar and main content to horizontal rows. This makes it so they automatically resize the smaller the viewport gets without any media queries. I got the responsive design down well enough for this site to be viewable on my smartphone. The only thing I think really needs visual improvement is the appearance of the project cards. Otherwise, I am extremely happy with the way this came out and quite proud to be honest.