Sets up one squid + 8 privoxy + 8 tor workers for relatively fast/private surfing
This script will setup the squid/privoxy/tor setup i found @ Please read the article and make a backup of your system before running this script.
Basically it sets up one squid instance with 8 privoxy and tor workers to speed up connection times.
| privoxy1 --- tor1 ---|
| privoxy2 --- tor2 ---|
| privoxy3 --- tor3 ---|
Squid ------| privoxy4 --- tor4 ---|----WWW | privoxy5 --- tor5 ---| | privoxy6 --- tor6 ---| | privoxy7 --- tor7 ---| | privoxy8 --- tor8 ---|
For ez deployment make sure you change the ip address for your local network in the res/squid.conf settings file to suit your local config before running this script.
Written and tesrted on Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS Does not work out of the box for 14.04!!
After installing test the setup by using these commands @ the terminal:
1 - Register the proxy in your session env
export http_proxy='http://ip.of.your.proxy:3400'
2 - Query for your ip a few times, result should be a different one each time
wget -q -O - | sed -e 's/.Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.$//'
3 - Remove the http_proxy from the env
unset http_proxy
Bonus points: Automate the script to update the file holding the ip's/domains to be blocked by squid by adding it to cron. This script makes a copy of the scripts needed to these paths:
/usr/local/bin/ - reads the ip's/domainnames from webservice /usr/local/bin/ - uses to generate the file /etc/squid3/Malware-domains.txt
Should you find bugs/general weirdness feel free to contact me mail: github:
Enjoy your anonimized/filtered browsing experience!