Viewing Party (Live On Heroku)
Viewing party is an application that utilizes the Movie Database API. Users can see the top 40 movies or search for a specific movie of their liking. Users can add friends, can create movie viewing parties and can invite friends or be invited by friends to a movie viewing party.
The below instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Fork and Clone the repo
- You can find the repo for this project here
- Install gem packages:
bundle install
- Gems: Faraday, Figaro
- Testing Gems: ShouldaMatchers, Webmock, VCR
- Setup the database:
rails db:create
Example wireframes to follow are found here
The following versions are recommended for this project.
Ruby 2.5.3
To run all of the tests, you will use bundle exec rspec
To run a specific test, you will use bundle exec rspec:<test line number goes here>
From the command line, do the following:
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku run rake db:create
heroku run rake db:migrate
- You may also want to run the following command to seed your heroku database:
heroku run rake db:seed