My solutions for Advent of Code.
2015 [Javascript]
- Day 01: Not Quite Lisp | source
- Day 02: I Was Told There Would Be No Math | source
- Day 03: Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum | source
- Day 04: The Ideal Stocking Stuffer | source
- Day 05: Doesn't He Have Intern-Elves For This? | source
- Day 06: Probably a Fire Hazard | source
2017 [C]
- Day 01: Inverse Captcha | solution
- Day 02: Corruption Checksum | solution
2019 [Rust]
- Day 01: The Tyranny of the Rocket Equation | solution
2021 [Python]
- Day 01: Sonar Sweep | solution
- Day 02: Dive! | solution
- Day 03: Binary Diagnostic | solution
- Day 04: Giant Squid | solution
- Day 05: Hydrothermal Venture | solution
- Day 06: Lanternfish | solution
- Day 07: The Treachery of Whales | solution
- Day 08: Seven Segment Search | solution
- Day 09: Smoke Basin | solution
- Day 10: Syntax Scoring | solution
- Day 11: Dumbo Octopus | solution
- Day 12: Passage Pathing | solution
- Day 13: Transparent Origami | solution
- Day 14: Extended Polymerization | solution
- Day 15: Chiton | solution
- Day 16: Packet Decoder | solution
- Day 17: Trick Shot | solution
- Day 18: Snailfish | solution
- Day 19: Beacon Scanner | solution
- Day 20: Trench Map | solution
- Day 21: Dirac Dice | solution
- Day 22: Reactor Reboot | solution
2022 [Python]
- Day 01: Calorie Counting | solution
- Day 02: Rock Paper Scissors | solution
- Day 03: Rucksack Reorganization | solution
- Day 04: Camp Cleanup | solution
- Day 05: Supply Stacks | solution
- Day 06: Tuning Trouble | solution
- Day 07: No Space Left On Device | solution
- Day 08: Treetop Tree House | solution
- Day 09: Rope Bridge | solution
- Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube | solution
- Day 11: Monkey in the Middle | solution
- Day 12: Hill Climbing Algorithm | solution
- Day 13: Distress Signal | solution
- Day 14: Regolith Reservoir | solution
- Day 15: Beacon Exclusion Zone | solution
- Day 16: Proboscidea Volcanium | solution
- Day 17: Pyroclastic Flow | solution
- Day 18: Boiling Boulders | solution
- Day 19: Not Enough Minerals | solution
- Day 20: Grove Positioning System | solution
- Day 21: Monkey Math | solution
- Day 22: Monkey Map | solution
- Day 23: Unstable Diffusion | solution
2023 [Python]
- Day 01: Trebuchet?! | solution
- Day 02: Cube Conundrum | solution
- Day 03: Gear Ratios | solution
- Day 04: Scratchcards | solution
- Day 05: If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer | solution
- Day 06: Wait For It | solution
- Day 07: Camel Cards | solution
- Day 08: Haunted Wasteland | solution
- Day 09: Mirage Maintenance | solution
- Day 10: Pipe Maze | solution
- Day 11: Cosmic Expansion | solution
- Day 12: Hot Springs | solution
- Day 13: Point of Incidence | solution
- Day 14: Parabolic Reflector Dish | solution
- Day 15: Lens Library | solution
- Day 16: The Floor Will Be Lava | solution
2024 [Haskell]
- Day 01: Historian Hysteria | solution
- Day 02: Red-Nosed Reports | solution
- Day 03: Mull It Over | solution
- Day 04: Ceres Search | solution
- Day 05: Print Queue | solution
- Day 06: Guard Gallivant | solution
- Day 07: Bridge Repair | solution
- Day 08: Resonant Collinearity | solution
- Day 09: Disk Fragmenter | solution
- Day 10: Hoof It | solution
- Day 11: Plutonian Pebbles | solution
- Day 12: Garden Groups | solution
If you have your Advent of Code session token saved to a file like .token
, you can download your test input with curl:
$ curl "" \
--header "Cookie: $(cat .token)"
You can find your session token by looking at the Cookie
header in the network tab
in your browser tools when navigating to
Save the value of this Cookie
header in .token
. e.g.