Backend for my home automation and monitoring. Used by my app and my Magic mirror.
If you want to run this server yourself locally, here is what you need. Otherwise check out Deployment below.
This server can control your lights from outside of your home network. This is not officially supported yet by Philips (it's coming). So since I'm using the unofficial Philips Hue Remote API, it requires some configuration. For full description look at
This is however not set up here, it's configured by either my app or by editing the users hueBridgeToken and hueBridgeId in a query.
- Node and npm:
- Mysql:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
mysql -u root -p
create database reminders;
git clone
cd OneBackendToRuleThemAll
npm install
touch .env
Copy and paste the result into your .env SERVER_SECRET="yourServerSecret"
Your .env file should look like this now:
SERVER_SECRET = "yourServerSecret"
Then to start the server run:
npm start
dokku storage:mount automation /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/automation:/app/storage
Add .credentials there.
This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details