Provides a library which can take a hierarchical hardcaml design and run Xilinx Vivado synthesis on each module in the design hierarchy.
Resource utilization and timing estimates are provided for each module.
The synthesis process for each module can be configured to report statistics for just the local module, or for all modules below it as well. Running in different ways can provide better insight into the design.
See the example in the bin
directory. Roughly speaking it works as follows
module Synth = Hardcaml_xilinx_reports
module Command = Synth.Command.With_interface (Design.I) (Design.O)
let () = (Command.command_basic ~name:"foo" Design.create)
Note that a command line app with a set of command line flags is generated. An optional configuration record can be passed to tweak the synthesis projects.
The current recommendation is to run twice as follows
./synth.exe -dir <output-dir> -hier -blackbox none -part <part> -clock <clock:freq> -run
./synth.exe -dir <output-dir> -hier -blackbox inst -part <part> -clock <clock:freq> -run
The former flow provides better timing estimates and performs more optimisation on the design. It can track timing paths into submodules.
The later provides more accurate resource utilization estimates for individual modules. It is also much, much quicker.
The only difference between the two is in the -blackbox