Focused compilation of resources found for anything related to the entire game development ecosystem (code, art, writing, etc.). Feel free to submit any PRs!
- awesome-gamedev - Mega compilation of free game dev resources
- awesome-godot - Mega compilation of free Godot resources
- - Procedural generation mega list
- Game Programming Patterns by Robert Nystrom - Holy grail of design patterns for game dev
- Finite State Machines/Pushdown Automata - Common pattern (FSM/Pushdown)
- Entity-Component-System - ECS is a popular decoupling pattern, and innate to many game engines like Unreal/Unity
- Official Godot guides
- Godot Recipes - Detailed and concise breakdown of game concepts for Godot
- Why isn't Godot an ECS-based engine - Engine-specific breakdown on why Godot doesn't use ECS innately
- VR - Godot Oculus Quest Toolkit
- Unity GMTK Tutorial 45-min - Wonderful guide for creating a flappy bird ripoff while getting familiar in Unity
- catlikecoding Unity resources - If you prefer learning via text, this covers unity nicely. I would recommend the Basics tutorials before moving onto the other chapters (or resources below)
- 2023 Unity 10 hour full tutorial by CodeMonkey - Excellent modern top-to-bottom guide for Unity
- Celeste Source Code - One of the modern gold standards for tight controls in 2d platformers
- - Supplementary reading by author
- Duelyst
- Unprofessional Guide About How To Make FPS Game In Unity - Clean breakdown on all aspects of how to make an FPS game in unity
- (Godot3.2) HeartBeast 2D Action RPG Tutorial - Appropriate for developers. Warning: Uses Godot 3.2, so there will be some incompatibilities with new versions.
- (Godot3.4) HeartBeast 2D Platformer Tutorial - Appropriate for developers. Slightly less in-depth than the above.
- free assets
- free assets
- - amazing sound bites here
- Pixel Art Palette - Pixel Art help & color palettes
- - Freesound is a collaborative database of Creative Commons Licensed sounds. Browse, download and share sounds.
- SFX generator - Good way to generate SFX placeholders or quick SFX
- shapeforms audio - hq audio bundles for games
- - gives some free credits for initial use
- Easings - Fantastic visualizer for tween animations
- Khan Academy Animation - Pixar in a box
- Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games - Legendary Nintendo director breaking down game design concepts in short, dense videos
- Game Maker's Toolkit - Extremely popular and well-polished YT channel for all sorts of design, implementation, analysis
- GDC - Game Dev Conference. Very lengthy, usually unedited, but some deep insights.
- Game Dev Field Guide - Great series, highly recommend for beginners to start chronologically from 001
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend - C++ tutorial for ray tracing. Get nerd-sniped ๐ค
- Ray Tracing for those who skipped math - supplemental resource for ray tracing and its vector math
- Video Game Animation Study - Analysis of popular game series animations
- New Frame Plus - Analysis of popular game series animations
- Learn Disney's 12 rules of animation from these GIFs
- - Amazing & free in-depth resource, highly recommended by r/ArtFundamentals
- Audacity - FOSS audio software
- Ludum Dare - Multiple times a year, online, open to all. Very fun, constructive, and encouraging.
- - Popular and dense analysis of meta game trends & marketing tips
- - Need Pro version for grainier detail. But free already shows plenty of revenue trends by genre.
- - Maker of Ultima Online and Author of "Theory of Fun" (recommended reading)
- - Unity/Godot/Renders
- - Godot