Life is short so I spend my time to manage dotfiles.
This dotfiles are managed by chezmoi. You must install chezmoi to run this project.
- Note: chezmoi (sei-moi) is a French word, meaning "at my house".
# Install chezmoi with homebrew
brew install chezmoi
Command overview:
Add files to chezmoi
# Encrypt a file
chezmoi add --encrypt ~/.ssh/config
# Edit a file, run apply afterwards
# Default editor in chezmoi is vim
chezmoi edit --apply ~/.ssh/config
chezmoi edit ~/.ssh/config
# Update dotfiles from the source directory
chezmoi apply
- Push config to Github
# Open a shell in the source directory
chezmoi cd
# Run `git` in the source directory and pass extra args to the command
# Need `--` to prevent chezmoi from consuming these args
chezmoi git -- commit -m "feat: update dotfiles"
- Templating
# Edit config
chezmoi edit-config
# Add new config
email = "email"
name = "name"
# Add a file as a template
chezmoi add -T --template ~/.gitconfig
# If a file already managed by chezmoi, but not a template
chezmoi chattr +template ~/.zshrc
# Update `~/.gitconfig` file using template as below
email = "{{ .email }}"
name = "{{ .name }}"