full-time free-lance developer, trying to put myself through college at a late age, contributing to and supporting the open-source community when i'm able. my more recent projects have included various administration and utility plugins (and integrated websites) for SourceMod, a server-side addon for games running on the Source Engine, as well as various projects and quality-of-life improvements for RuneLite, a popular client for Old School RuneScape. prior to this, i got my start into programming (or, scripting, rather) around the year 2009, creating Luau (a Lua dialect) scripts for the children's game Roblox, before later being introduced to Minecraft and Garry's Mod around the same time in 2012 and continuing on to make server-side gLua (a Lua dialect) plugins for Garry's Mod servers, and Java plugins for Minecraft servers, and advancing from there to create websites integrations for server plugins, using a basic LEMP stack and becoming proficient with PHP on the back-end, and JavaScript on the front-end. this knowledge led to me creating several semi-successful and profitable ventures throughout highschool, and allowed me to support myself and my disabled mother growing up. i have continued to work with a ton of different programming languages, frameworks, and systems for a myriad of different games, websites or programs and hope to continue programming and creating things that i love for the rest of my life.
i am an avid supporter of all things open-source, and do my best to support anyone who needs help — if you have a question and need some help, especially if your intentions are to create something useful, i will always be here for the assist!
currently, i am working mostly on projects related to Old School RuneScape and RuneLite, including some automation and quality-of-life utilities using the powerful EthanApi. i have played the game since 2005, and enjoy creating the things that make the game more enjoyable (for me, at least).
other than that, i spend most of my time developing websites, kiosk systems, or other software solutions for local businesses in my area, as well as working a full-time job. i hope to some day transition to working full-time on the projects that i love.
i am also eagerly awaiting the official release of s&box and will be working on some content for that game upon release (big plans) — i played Garry's Mod and developed addons for many years, and i am excited to see the predecessor get released.
- reddit (u/jarromie)
- Discord (jarromie)
- Mastodon (@jarromie@mastodon.social)
- GitHub Profile (jarromie)
- GitHub Profile (whocodes)
i am also always available via email at jarromie@whocodes.tech or jarromie@outlook.com. business inquiries should be directed to admin@whocodes.tech.
if you're able to make use of any of the projects i work on, and you'd like to support my current work or future endevours, consider buying me a coffee (or 🦀RuneScape membership🦀) — any and all support is appreciated!
feel free to check out my instance of Gitea, located at git.whocodes.tech where most of my projects are actually hosted (updates are automatically pushed and synced to my GitHub repositories). i use this primarily because it allows me to have unlimited private repositories for free, allows me to make a private fork of a public repository, and is easy to integrate with GitHub. major respect to the geniuses at Gitea.com!
if you're working on projects utilizing EthanApi or SourceMod, or just about any projects that are gaming-related or FOSS, and would like a free account on my git.whocodes.tech (with unlimited private or public repositories, organizations access, and a wide range of other features), reach out and let me know! i'd love to help out anybody who is contributing to the community.