A nodejs-powered command-line interface for TextRazor.
computer-1:repositories user$ cd textrazor-api-cli
computer-1:textrazor-api-cli user$ chmod +x textrazor.js
Get a key here.
Add a file called .env
in the project root containing your TextRazor API key.
// contents of news-api-cli/.env
analyze [options]
-t, --text [text] Content to analyze
-u, --urls [urls] A list of comma-separated urls to extract and analyze
-e, --extractors <extractors> A list of comma-separated extractors
-w, --write [path] Save the result to [path]/[encodeURIComponent(url or text)]
-h, --help output usage information
Extract entities and topics from the phrase "Donald Trump is a moron" and save it to donald/Donald%20Trump%20is%20a%20moron.json
./textrazor.js analyze -t "Donald Trump is a moron" -e entities,topics -w donald
Extract entities and topics from a New York Times article and save it to nyt/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2018%2F08%2F25%2Fus%2Fpolitics%2Frobert-mueller-russia-investigation.htm.json
./textrazor.js analyze -u https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/25/us/politics/robert-mueller-russia-investigation.html -e entities,topics -w nyt