A versatile R package for exploring and visualizing 3D genome organization
⚠️ gghic
is in its early stages. Issues and PRs are welcome.
Minghao Jiang, mjhk@connect.hku.hk
- Plot triangular heatmaps for genomic interaction data containing multiple chromosomes.
- Plot chromosome ideograms with highlighted regions above the heatmap.
- Plot gene/transcript model tracks under the heatmap.
- Plot tracks of other genomic data, e.g., ChIP-seq peaks, BigWig files, etc., under the heatmap.
- Plot compartments, TADs, and loops on the heatmap.
- Allow for generating rasterized heatmaps and tracks to handle large datasets.
- Support duckplyr for faster data manipulation.
- ...
To install the gghic
package from GitHub, use the following command:
devtools::install_github("jasonwong-lab/gghic", build_vignettes = TRUE)
You can find the vignettes for gghic
by running the following command:
is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.