See here for use case and requirements -
A bank wants to help locate and tag all their expenses/transactions in their bank account to help them categorise their spending. The users will be able to tag any expense/transaction to allow for efficient retrieval and reporting. There will be 10 millions customers with on average 500 transactions a year. Some business customers may have up to 10,000 transactions a year. The client wants the tagged items to show up in searches in less than a second to give users a seamless experience between devices.
This requires DSE Search to be running and since User Defined Functions (UDTs) will be used, they will need to be enabled -
To create the schema, run the following
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.demo.SchemaSetup" -DcontactPoints=localhost
To create the solr core, run
bin/dsetool create_core datastax_banking_iot.latest_transactions schema=schema.xml solrconfig=solr_config.xml reindex=true
To create some transactions, run the following
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.banking.Main" -DcontactPoints=localhost
You can use the following parameters to change the default no of transactions and credit cards
-DnoOfTransactions=10000000 -DnoOfCreditCards=100000
An example of cql queries would be
For the latest transaction table we can run the following types of queries
use datastax_banking_iot;
select * from latest_transactions where cc_no = '1234123412341234';
select * from latest_transactions where cc_no = '1234123412341234' and transaction_time > '2017-04-08';
select * from latest_transactions where cc_no = '1234123412341234' and transaction_time > '2017-04-08' and transaction_time < '2017-04-20';
We can also use functions like sum to aggregate the totals from a time range.
use datastax_banking_iot;
select sum(amount) from latest_transactions where cc_no = '1234123412341234' and transaction_time > '2017-04-08';
As part of the setup, we have created a user defined function (UDF) which will group any text column with the amounts to help us to see spending usage. So we can ask the following
select group_and_total(merchant, amount) from latest_transactions where cc_no='1234123412341833' ;
select group_and_total(location, amount) from latest_transactions where cc_no='1234123412341833' and transaction_time > '2017-04-08';
For the (historic) transaction table we need to add the year into our queries.
select * from transactions where cc_no = '1234123412341234' and year = 2016;
select * from transactions where cc_no = '1234123412341234' and year = 2016 and transaction_time > '2017-01-31';
select * from transactions where cc_no = '1234123412341234' and year = 2016 and transaction_time > '2017-01-31' and transaction_time < '2017-04-27';
Using the solr_query
Get all the latest transactions from PC World in London (This is accross all credit cards and users)
select * from latest_transactions where solr_query = 'merchant:PC+World location:London' limit 100;
Get all the latest transactions for credit card '1' that have a tag of Work.
select * from latest_transactions where solr_query = '{"q":"cc_no:1234123412341234", "fq":"tags:Work"}' limit 1000;
Gell all the transaction for credit card '1' that have a tag of Work and are within the last month
select * from latest_transactions where solr_query = '{"q":"cc_no:1234123412341234", "fq":"tags:Work AND transaction_time:[NOW-30DAY TO *]"}' limit 1000;
To use the webservice, start the web server using
mvn jetty:run -DcontactPoints=node0 -Djetty.port=8081
Open a browser and use a url like
Note : the from and to are dates in the format yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss - eg
To run the requests run the following
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.banking.RunRequests" -DcontactPoints=localhost
To change the no of requests and no of credit cards add the following
-DnoOfRequests=100000 -DnoOfCreditCards=1000000
To remove the tables and the schema, run the following.
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.demo.SchemaTeardown"