This tutorial demonstrates how to create a Telegram bot interceptor to capture and log messages sent to a bot. The purpose is to understand potential vulnerabilities in Telegram bots and highlight the importance of securing bot tokens. Additionally, we explore scenarios where bot tokens could be leaked and the associated dangers.
- Install Python Libraries:
- Use the following command to install the required libraries:
pip install python-telegram-bot telethon
- Use the following command to install the required libraries:
- Set Up a Telegram Bot:
- Create a bot using BotFather on Telegram and obtain its bot token.
- Obtain Telegram API Credentials:
- Visit the Telegram Developer Portal to obtain your
- Visit the Telegram Developer Portal to obtain your
The interceptor script listens for messages sent to the bot and logs them to the console.
from telegram.ext import Application, MessageHandler, filters
# Replace with your bot token
async def log_messages(update, context):
user = update.effective_user
message = update.message.text
print(f"Intercepted message from {user.username or}: {message}")
async def main():
app = Application.builder().token(BOT_TOKEN).build()
app.add_handler(MessageHandler(filters.TEXT, log_messages))
print("Interceptor bot is running...")
await app.run_polling()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import asyncio