- 🔭 I’m currently in Tokyo
- Am working on Web3 Start up, worked as 1 man team on:
- Telegram Mini App
- Project scale: 1 graphic designer and 1 Develoepr (me)
- Tech Stacks: ViteJS, Typescript, FastAPI, mySQL, Vercel
- Duration: 2 weeks
- Implemented 30+ APis to allow users to perform daily and weekly check-ins
- Allow earning point by activities
- Strengthened the GameFi community and promoted the branding
- Set up the infra and performed CICD for telegram mini app
- Delivered comprehensive API documentation
- NFT marketplace
- Project scale: 1 Develoepr (me)
- Tech Stacks: IPFS, Pinata, AWS, Mermaid, Ether.js, wagmi, hardhat, solidity, express, nextjs, MongoDB, mySQL, moralis, tailwind, vercel, ably, redis, metamask, web3
- Duration: 3 months
- Designed UXUI workflow and layout
- Developed and deployed ERC20, ERC721, marketplace contract for NFT minting, lazy minting, gas fee machanisms and listing
- Implemented metadata API server for token attributes, mapping, encoding and decoding
- Off chain item listing using MongoDB and Next.js
- Allowed on chain minting and cencellation with real time transaction updates via Ably web socket
- Implemented sorting, buying, selling functionalities, with ERC20 token support for payments
- Combined with reward point mechanism with game system
- Document systme design and deployment processes
- Google Golf Courses Marker
- Project scale: 1 GA and 1 Developer (me)
- Tech Stacks: Express.js, Next.js, goolgle map API
- Duration: 1 week
- Implemented place API with text search to locate golf courses markers worldwide
- Allowed users to manually adjust golf course regions by country and export coordinates
- Deployed separate systems for frontend and backend on Vercel
- Delivered project within a tight timeframe to meet the CTO's requirement
- Telegram Mini App
- Am working on Web3 Start up, worked as 1 man team on:
- 🔨 I have working experiences on
- Hong Kong Blockchain Company as Software Engineer
- Racing Game Frontend and Backend Developments, as Full Stack Developer
- Exploration on Applicability & Implementation of Web3 Technologies, as Developer
- Migration and Integration of Terraform IAC Approach with AWS, as DevOps Engineer
- Hong Kong IT Agency as Backend Developer
- Digitisation in a Form on Console, Membership Portal and POS, as Backend Developer
- Integration of APIs and Frontend Services, as Backend Developer
- UAT Tests from Dev to Production Stage, as Backend Developer
- Hong Kong Start-up Company as Full Stack Developer
- Web3 Management Platform, as Full Stack Developer
- Telegram Bot on Web3 Exchange Rates, as Full Stack Developer
- Hands Recognition, as Full Stack Developer
- Hong Kong Blockchain Company as Software Engineer
- 🌱 I’m currently learning
- Frontend: Vue & Nuxtjs
- Backend: Python flask, Java Jpa, Spring Boot
- DevOps: K8S & Docker & Azure with GitOps, Vercel Deployment
- Other: Web3, mediaPipe
- 🚀 I'm going to
- Build voice-to-text web application by python
- Learn and work on the new methodologies and implementations of web3, like deploying contract, and lauching NFT with web app
- Build web app using java
- Learn and build K8S with Azure with Github CICD
- Take the CKA and/or HashiCorp Terraform cert
- Finish the online course on coursera
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any start-up, IT agency, the place that I could utilize my knowledge and skills
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with full-stack development, exploring/researching tasks, cloud solutions on AWS, backend development
- 📫 How to reach me: monkeichow2@gmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am a coffee-addictor, proactive and fast learner. I love building stuffs and learning new technologies.
📕 My Background
💻 My Tech Stacks
💻 My Certifications