jMetal is an object-oriented Java-based framework for multi-objective optimization with metaheuristics (
The current jMetal development version is hosted in this repository; this way, interested users can take a look to the new incoming features in advance.
After eight years since the first release of jMetal, we have decided it's time to make a deep redesign of the software. Some of the ideas we are elaborating are:
- Architecture redesign to provide a simpler design while keeping the same functionality.
- Improve code quality:
- Application of unit testing
- Better use of Java features (e.g, generics)
- Design patterns
- Application of clean code guidelines - “Clean code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" (Robert C. Martin)
- Algorithm templates
- Parallelism support
- Algorithm measures
- Maven is used as the tool for development, testing, packaging and deployment.
If you are interested in contributing with your ideas and comments, please take a look the current discussions in the Issues section.
##Components The current development version provides:
- Algorithms: NSGA-II, NSGA-III (to be tested), SMPSO, GDE3, IBEA, MOEA/D (variants: MOEA/D-DE, MOEA/D-DRA, Constrained MOEA/D), SPEA2, PESA2, AbYSS, MOCell, RandomSearch, SMS-EMOA
- Encodings: Binary, Real, Integer, Permutation, Integer+Double
- Crossover operators: SBXCrossover, SinglePointCrossover, DifferentialEvolutionCrossover, IntegerSBXCrossover, BLXAlphaCrossover, HUXCrossover
- Mutation operators: PolynomialMutation, SingleRandomMutation, BitFlipMutation, IntegerPolynomialMutation, UniformMutation, NonUniformMutation
- Selection operators: BinaryTournamentSelection, DifferentialEvolutionSelection, RankingAndCrowdingSelection, NaryTournamentSelection
- Problems: Fonseca, Kursawe, Schaffer, Srinivas, OneZeroMax, NMMin, NMIN2, ZDT benchrmark, DTLZ benchmark, WFG benchmark, LZ09 benchmark, multiobjective TSP
- Qualitity indicators: Epsilon, Hypervolume, error ratio, spread, generalized spread, generational distance, inverted generational distance, set coverage.
The link to the modules is:
##jMetal user manual The user manual is hosted in
####Code coverage (25th January 2015)
Class % | Method % | Line % |
17,8% (48/ 270) | 16,8% (243/ 1443) | 13,4% (1199/ 8975) |