A console app with several functionalities. As the name indicates, you will be able to manage your own to-do list, being able to see the pending tasks, add tasks or mark them as completed and delete them from the list.
This app is very intuitive and easy to use. The first thing you should do is type the following in your console:
node to-do-app.js --help
You will then be able to read all the necessary information to manage the app. However, keep reading to know exactly how each of the commands works!
This command is very simple. All you have to do is type the following:
node to-do-app.js retrieve
This will show you the pending tasks list.
This command will add a new task to the list. All you have to do is type:
node to-do-app.js add Task
For example, node to-do-app.js add Do the shopping
This will also show you the resulting tasks list after making the respective changes to it.
This command will mark a task as done, and so it will delete it from your list. All you have to do is type:
node to-do-app.js done Task
For example, node to-do-app.js done Do the shopping
This will also show you the resulting tasks list after making the respective changes to it.