This branch contains Jaxine's project for the Woods Hole Partnership Education Program. During the summer of 2019, she worked in collaboration with the Northeast Shelf Long Term Ecological Research (NES-LTER) group and the Llopiz lab at Wood's Hole Oceanographic Institution. The overarching goal of her research was to produce a reproducible workflow for analysis of diet data from NES-LTER cruises.
Project Collaborators: Justin Suca, Joel Llopiz, Stace Beaulieu, Jaxine Wolfe
Relative Prey Abundance: This project generates visualization of the relative abundance of prey types per cruise and fish species.
- ITIS Taxonomic Validation: This project resolves and validates prey species classifications and assigns categorical bins of prey type.
Diet Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA): This project conducts a canonical correspondence analysis for distinct fish species across multiple cruises.
LTER Format: This project runs a script on a trial single-sheet, long-format dataset which generates plots of relative prey abundance and mean prey size for each fish and cruise.
EML Assembly: This project assembles metadata tables for fish diet data from 2013-2015 (Suca et al. 2018) and constructs an EML assembly line for the packaging and publishing of LTER data to the EDI repository.