Kerala Rescue is an iPhone app, which users will be able to prepare for a Flood, if in emergency they can contact respective operational centre. Users can also see Rescue Photos of 2018 Flood.
- Open terminal and move to the desired folder to checkout.
cd ~/Desktop
- Clone the repo.
git clone
- Move inside the folder.
cd rescueApp/RescueApp
- Install pods.
pod install
- Open the workspace.
During the Version 1.1, almost all the resuce and necessary food requirements are kind of finishing. So we decided to go with guides for preparedness and after memory.
In this version we will help people to read about how to prepare for a disaster, emergency contacts in case of emergency, photos of 2018 Kerala Rescue. Photo upload capability is not present, but users can send a comment to the existing photo.
Appstore URL here.
This is a small patch to the existing app which were mostly some feedback integration from the beta testing done during 1.1.
Features of this version include
- Prepare section content in malayalam
- Emeregency SOS Section with tools and safety checks
- Prepare section extension
- Earthquake
- Landslide / ഉരുൾപൊട്ടൽ
- Flu Season
- Thunderstorm / ഇടിമിന്നൽ
- Localize Icons
- Notifications / Important infos
- Articles to read about disaster situations in other countries.
- Surviving situations
- weekly once
All informations included are from the State Disaster Management Authority and