This library provides helper utilities for writing and validating NestJS APIs using TypeBox as an alternative to class-validator/class-transformer. Can be configured to patch @nestjs/swagger allowing OpenAPI generation to continue working. Supports property defaults, basic type coercion, transforms, stripping unknown properties, and custom error messages. See typebox docs for more info.
npm i nestjs-typebox @sinclair/typebox
Important: Note that
is an alternative to the class-validator DTO approach detailed in the NestJS docs, and is meant to fully replace it and all of the built-in validation/parsing pipes. Make sure you remove any global validation/parsing pipes before installing this library and avoid using any local validation/parsing pipe decorators in combination with this library's decorators.
The example below demonstrates a discriminated union type, which cannot be achieved using class-based introspection approaches like that of class-validator.
import { Type } from '@sinclair/typebox';
export const PetSchemaBase = Type.Object({
id: Type.Number(),
name: Type.String({
description: "The pet's name",
examples: ['Figaro'],
microchip: Type.String(){
minLength: 10,
description: 'Secret microchip number. Not sent to client',
errorMessage: '"microchip" is required and must be at least 10 characters.'
export const CatSchema = Type.Composite([
type: Type.Literal('cat'),
breed: Type.Union([Type.Literal('shorthair'), Type.Literal('persian'), Type.Literal('siamese')]),
export const DogSchema = Type.Composite([
type: Type.Literal('dog'),
breed: Type.Union([Type.Literal('shiba-inu'), Type.Literal('poodle'), Type.Literal('dachshund')]),
export const PetSchema = Type.Union([CatSchema, DogSchema]);
export type Pet = Static<typeof PetSchema>;
The example below shows two different decorators and their usage, calling out default configuration. Schemas have all been defined inline for brevity, but could just as easily be defined elsewhere and reused. The primary benefit of using @HttpEndpoint over @Validator is the additional validation enforcing path parameters to be properly defined as request "param" validators. Otherwise, it simply passes through options specified in
to the underlying @Validator decorator.
import { Type } from '@sinclair/typebox';
import { Validate, HttpEndpoint } from 'nestjs-typebox';
export class PetController {
constructor(private readonly petService: PetService) {}
response: { schema: Type.Array(Type.Omit(PetSchema, ['microchip'])), stripUnknownProps: true },
async getPets() {
return this.petService.getPets();
// stripUnknownProps is true by default for response validators
// so this shorthand is equivalent
response: Type.Omit(PetSchema, ['microchip']),
request: [
// coerceTypes is true by default for "param" and "query" request validators
{ name: 'id', type: 'param', schema: Type.Number(), coerceTypes: true },
// no need to use @Param() decorator here since the @Validate() decorator will
// automatically attach a pipe to populate and convert the paramater value
async getPet(id: number) {
return this.petService.getPet(id);
response: Type.Omit(PetSchema, ['microchip']),
request: [
// if "name" not provided, method name will be used
{ type: 'body', schema: Type.Omit(PetSchema, 'id') },
async createPet(data: Omit<Pet, 'id'>) {
return this.petService.createPet(data);
method: 'PATCH',
path: ':id',
validate: {
response: Type.Omit(PetSchema, ['microchip']),
request: [
{ name: 'id', type: 'param', schema: Type.Number() },
{ type: 'body', schema: Type.Partial(Type.Omit(PetSchema, ['id'])) },
// the order of the controller method parameters must correspond to the order/types of
// "request" validators, including "required" configuration. Additionally nestjs-typebox will
// throw at bootup if parameters defined in the "request" validator config don't correspond
// with the parameters defined in the "path" configuration
async updatePet(id: number, data: Partial<Omit<Pet, 'id'>>) {
return this.petService.updatePet(id, data);
method: 'DELETE',
path: ':id',
validate: {
response: Type.Omit(PetSchema, ['microchip']),
request: [{ name: 'id', type: 'param', schema: Type.Number() }],
async deletePet(id: number) {
return this.petService.deletePet(id);
Calling configure allows for the patching of the swagger plugin, custom
string formats (email, url, date, time, date-time, uuid), and support for errorMessage
within schema options.
// main.ts
import { Reflector } from '@nestjs/core';
import { configureNestJsTypebox } from 'nestjs-typebox';
patchSwagger: true,
setFormats: true,
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
await app.listen(3000);
console.log(`Application is running on: ${await app.getUrl()}`);
Swagger patch derived from
- Validate observable support
- utility to create typebox schemas with CRUD defaults (i.e. SchemaName['response'], SchemaName['update'])
- include method name in decorator errors
- support validating entire query object? (instead of individual values)
- check controller metadata so resolved path can include params specified at the controller level