This repository contains code to demo Python Playwright 🎭 and Docker🐋
The entire testing was performed on local gird as well as LambdaTest Cloud Grid
The project uses Page Object Model(POM) design pattern to implement 8 tests on 3 different pages of the test website LambdaTest Ecommerce Playground Demo Website
├─ .gitignore
├─ docker-compose.yaml
├─ Dockerfile
├─ pages
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ └─
├─ secrets.env
├─ tests
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ └─
└─ utilities
The tests written can be run on docker locally or on cloud docker grid, to control this you need to alter the secrets.env
The code has been fully tested on the below versions
🐋 Docker 20.10.22, build 3a2c30b
🐍 Python 3.9.12
🧪 Pytest 7.2.1
🎭 Playwright 1.30.0
The secrets.env
file drives the running of the tests. They have been defaulted to run on local docker but by setting the TEST_ENV
parameter to cloud they can be run on cloud grids as well. For cloud grid you will also need additional username and access key which again are configured within the secrets.env
file itsef
Clone the code and create a virtal environment. Install the requirements.txt
and activate the virtual env, after that you can fire the below command
pytest -v tests
Clone the code and create a virtal environment. Install the requirements.txt
and activate the virtual env, after that you can fire the below command
This will create 3 processes and run 3 tests at a time
pytest -v --numprocesses 3 tests
docker build -t <image_name:tag>
docker run -it --env-file secrets.env image_name pytest -v tests
docker run -it --env-file secrets.env image_name pytest -v --numprocesses tests
docker run -it --env-file secrets.env image_name pytest -v tests/