TLDR: an Open-Source Software for Designing 3D-Printable Luneburg Lenses for RF Applications
LuneForge is a cutting-edge work in progress open-source tool designed for creating precise Luneburg lens models tailored for radio frequency (RF) applications, optimized for SLA 3D printing. Ideal for RF engineers, hobbyists, and researchers, LuneForge simplifies the design process with user-friendly features and customizable parameters. Enhance your RF projects with advanced lens designs, improve signal focusing and directionality, and join a community of innovators in the field of radio frequency technology.
- Lightweight and fast generation of Luneburg lenses
- Elegant Web base UI
- Export generated image to .stl file for 3D printing
- Export generated image to .obj file for CST studio
- Release online demo
- Material DRC Check
- Ability to introduce multiple lattice unti cells for the lens generation
- DockerHub image for fast instalation
- Multi Lens generation
- Integration with CST Studio
- And many more !
For the following , it is required to have Docker installed
Install from Dockerhub (recommended):
docker run --name luneforge -v $(pwd)/models:/app/static/models juanboirazian/luneforge
Install from source:
git clone
cd LuneForge
docker compose up --build
Client: HTMX, DaisyUI
Server: Flask , Pymesh
- Email:
- Linkdin :