Do not waste your valuable time when you are starting with new project by configuring app and folder structure - use ExpressJS, Socket.IO & AngularJS Boilerplate and start working straight on what really matters.
Server [documentation]
- ExpressJS API with JSON web token (JWT) authentification
- Socket.IO for realtime messages implemented both on ExpressJS API as well as AngularJS client
- Mocha test runner to test your ExpressJS app
- Tests for user controller
- Built in packages for paginated responses or request parameters checking with express-validator
- Postman collection to test out API endpoints in Postman desktop app
- PM2 process files in JSON format for dev/production enviroments
Client [documentation]
- Component oriented AngularJS client app built on version 1.6.x
- Token based user authetification (Auth component and Auth interceptor)
- Routes for user #,change user password, user list and update user
- SASS preprocessor with bootstrap grid system
- Gulp with browser-sync for serving app including tasks for SASS files compilation, JShint linting or build task for generating minified production version
- UI-Router for seamless AngularJS routing
git clone myProject
cd myProject/server && npm install && npm start
cd myProject/client && npm install && gulp
Copyright (C) 2017 Jozef Butko
Released under MIT license
- 1.0.1: cleanup
- 1.0.0: initial release