auto unfollow script for those you follow but not following back on GitHub !
you can even simply do this on GitHub Codespaces
To run the script in GitHub Codespaces:
- (optional) Fork the repository to your own GitHub account.
- Open a GitHub Codespace:
- If you forked the repository, open your forked repository in GitHub Codespaces.
- If you did not fork the repository, open any repository to create a GitHub Codespace.
- If you forked the repository:
- The
file should already exist. - If you did not fork the repository, create a new file named
and paste the JavaScript code into this file.
- The
- Open a terminal in Codespaces (View > Terminal).
- in the terminal, to install the Octokit library, run
npm install @octokit/rest
- run the script with
node unfollow.js
Remember to replace 'your_username'
and 'your_token_with_correct_permission'
in the script
with your actual GitHub username and personal access token.
This is the exact URL for the correct permissions ready for you:
I tested it in one run, up to 4K it can scan but will take few minutes, so better be sure you have stable connection and I did not hit the rate limit that time. Enjoy !