Hey there! This is the repo that my group used to make our card game for the final project of ENG 006. This has been made public to you and give you inpiration on your final project! Please make sure to read everything below before using our code. You are at YOUR OWN RISK using this code, as inpropper citations may prompt in SJA investigation.
You are welcome to use our code as inspiration for your own projects! Please note that any code taken directly from here should be creddited accordingly in complaince with UC Davis Code of Acedemic Conduct. Credit can be given in the form of linking back to this repository such as this: https://github.com/jdpieck/eng006final
If you would like to look at our code, feel free to reference PresidentExport.m
and RulesPopupExported.m
. If you would like to run the app on your own machine, a downlaod is required. All essential code is immedately under the src
folder. Additional code for testing and experimentation can be found in subsequent folders.
To push an pull code form MATLAB, we used Simulink. There are some werid quirks with the way that Git interacts with .mlapp
files, namely in protected code tied to app elements. Be careful when merging branches, as you risk overwritting sections of the UI if merged in the wrong order.