Compress strings using zLib on the fly.
Tested in Delphi 11.3+
Build and Install CompressedStringPkg.dpk
Add path to source code in Search Path or Library Path.
s: zString;
x: double;
s := 'this is a short string'; // this will not compress as it's just too small
ShowMessage('Short zString Length = ' + s.Length.ToString); // shows 22
ShowMessage('Short zString CompressSize = ' + s.CompressSize.ToString); // shows 44 (2 bytes per unicode char)
ShowMessage('Short zString CompressionPercentage = ' + s.CompressionPercentage.ToString); // -100, it did not compress
case s.IsCompressed of
true: ShowMessage('compressed');
false: ShowMessage('not compressed'); // should be not compressed
s := LoremIpsum; // this will compress as it is pretty big
ShowMessage('Long zString Length = ' + s.Length.ToString); // 2154
ShowMessage('Long zString CompressSize = ' + s.CompressSize.ToString); // Compressed down to 1235, LoremIpsum is 2154
ShowMessage('Long zString CompressionPercentage = ' + s.CompressionPercentage.ToString); // Compressed by 42.6648096564531%
case s.IsCompressed of
true: ShowMessage('compressed'); // should be compressed
false: ShowMessage('not compressed');
s := '123.45';
x := s.ToDouble;
ShowMessage(x.ToString); // should show 123.45
s := '123';
x := s.ToInteger;
ShowMessage(x.ToString); // should show 123