Change detection script based on git
Dependancy : you should have git installed
I. Preparation
Choose the directories you want to track
Enter the first directory you want to track cd /local
Initialize the git repo and add everything under this directory git init ; git add .
Look for files that should be ignored by git : file that are changing often and/or automaticaly like logs, generated datas etc. Wait a few minutes, then do :
git status -s | grep '^.[^ ]'
AM var/log/auth.log
You want to ignore the files that recently changed.
Add the modified files to to .gitignore Preferably add the parent directory if there are many files :
vi .gitignore
once .gitignore has a few list of files, remove the .git directory and start again rm -fr .git git init ; git add . etc.
do that until you find no more files to ignore, you can do the initial commit
Repeat step 1 to 5 for each tracked directory in the list
II. Setup
Install the script sh ./INSTALL
Configure the directory list vi /local/etc/changedetection.conf
/etc /local
Add a cron entry
MAILTO = 1-59/1 * * * * root /local/bin/keepstate changedetection.state /local/bin/changedetection