Erlang Implementation Of Firebase Cloud Messaging Through XMPP Servers
- Android App (Fatalk) ->
- Android App Repo ->
- App Backend Repo->
- Install Erlang (Please Search Google)
- Clone Repo
- Execute Command
At Root Folder Location. This Will Download Required Dependencies And Compile Them. - To Run In A Console, Execute
_rel/firebase_cloud_messaging_release/bin/firebase_cloud_messaging_release console
- Execute Command
To Quit For Now. - You'll Have A Settings File Named :
. It Contains All The Settings You Can Configure To Establish Firebase XMPP Connections And Set Different Limits As Required. - To Establish Firebase Connections,
Are Required. These You Can Find In Your Firebase Project's Cloud Messaging Section - If The
Is Set To 0 Insettings.txt
You May Initialize A New FCM Connection With Following Command:fcm_manager:create_fcm_process().
- Set Log Levels
To Control Logs Insettings.txt
- After Setting Up Parameters, Execute Console Command To Run And Create FCM Connections
- To Communicate with external application, establish a unix domain socket over TCP. The default uds location is /tmp/fcm.socket
- Supports Only Android For Now (No Support For iOS)
- Sends Only
Notifications With Priority (high/normal) Having TTL 0 To Improve Latency - Sends Bundle Of Messages To Optimize Bandwidth
- Does Not Support Delivery Receipt
- Automatic Retry Of
Messages - Configurable Paramters To Control Throughput And Message Rate Per Device
- Handles Connections With State
Orservice unavailable
- Communicate with external application over tcp socket
- listen_on : either listen on unix_socket or http_port.
- unxi_socket : unix_socket location, defaults to "/tmp/fcm.socket"
- http_port : which port to listen on , defaults to 3000
- fcm_process_pool_upper_bound : Maxmium number of messages in the pool of fcm_process before it stops accepting further message.
- fcm_process_pool_lower_bound : Minumum number of messages in the pool of fcm_prcess before it starts accepting new messages again.
- default_timeout_idle_timeout_milli_seconds : Timeout process polls for new message to process. If there are none, it remains idel for these milli seconds.
- fcm_connection_service_idle_timeout_seconds : If fcm_process is idle for timeout_seconds, it will be disconnected.
- fcm_connection_service_unavailable_timeout_seconds : If fcm_process remains unavailable to process any message, it will disconnected after timeout_seconds.
- fcm_general_message_delay_per_device_nano_seconds : You may even set a delay after consecutive message to be sent to a particular device.
- fcm_connection_monitor_interval_seconds : After how long monitor process should check fcm_process state and handle accordingly.
- fcm_connection_limit : Maximum number of fcm_process to established when required.
- fcm_sent_message_acking_wait_seconds : wait time for a particular message to be acknowledged before it is discarded.
The tcp socket sends out following messages to the other end:
- {type:upstream_data, fcm_id:FcmId, data:JsonDataFromTheDevice}
- {type:fcm_id_updated, fcm_id:FcmId, old_fcm_id:OldFcmId}
- {type:fcm_id_deregistered, fcm_id:FcmId}
And accepts message in following format:
- {fcm_id:FcmId, data:JsonDataToTheDevice}